- Associate Department Head for Graduate Affairs, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Mike and Sugar Barnes Professor
- Phone: 979-862-9114
- Email: geunes@tamu.edu
- Office: ETB 4024

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Business Administration (Management Science) & Operations Research, The Pennsylvania State University - 1999
- M.B.A., The Pennsylvania State University - 1993
Research Interests
- Production and logistics planning
- Supply chain management and operations
Certifications & Memberships
- Fellow, Institute of Industrial Engineers – 2015
Awards & Honors
- Best Application Paper, 2018 IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Scheduling and Logistics for Heuristic Algorithms for "Inventory Replenishment with Perishable Products and Multiple Transportation Modes" (by G. Palak, S. Eksioglu, J. Geunes)
- Best Paper Award, Production Planning and Scheduling Track, 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, for "Using Quantity Discounts to Improve Coordination in a Two-Level Supply Chain," (by J. Ma, J. Geunes, Y. Guan)
- Best Paper Award, Operations Research Track, 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, for "Optimizing Exclusivity Agreements in a Three-Stage Procurement Game," (by M. Prince, J. Geunes, J.C. Smith)
Selected Publications
- Scott, J., J. Geunes. 2024. A Normal Fan Projection Algorithm for Low-Rank Optimization. Forthcoming in Mathematical Programming.
- Gautam, N., J. Geunes. 2023. Analysis of Real-Time Order Fulfillment Policies: When to Dispatch a Batch? Forthcoming in Service Science.
- Merzifonluoğlu, Y., J. Geunes. 2021. The Risk-Averse Static Stochastic Knapsack Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 33(3), 931-948.
- Mohammadivojdan, R., Y. Merzifonluoğlu, J. Geunes. 2021. Procurement Portfolio Planning for a Newsvendor with Supplier Delivery Uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 297(3), 917-929.
- Palak, G., S. Eksioglu, J. Geunes. 2018. Heuristic Algorithms for Inventory Replenishment with Perishable Products and Multiple Transportation Modes. IISE Transactions 50(4), 345-365.
- Teksan, Z.M., J. Geunes. 2016. Production Planning with Price-Dependent Supply Capacity. IIE Transactions 48(10), 938-954.
- Teksan, Z.M., J. Geunes. 2015. A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Convex Cost Lot Sizing Problems. Operations Research Letters 43(4), 359-364.
- Feng, T., J. Geunes. 2014. Speculation in a Two-stage Supply Chain. IIE Transactions 46(12), 1315-1328.
- Rainwater, C., J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn. 2014. Resource Constrained Assignment Problems with Shared Resource Consumption and Flexible Demand. INFORMS Journal on Computing 26(2), 290-302.
- Prince, M., J.C. Smith, J. Geunes. 2013. A Three-Stage Procurement Optimization Problem under Uncertainty. Naval Research Logistics 60(5), 395-412.
- Chen, S., J. Geunes, A. Mishra. 2012. Algorithms for Multi-Item Procurement Planning with Case Packs. IIE Transactions 44(3), 181-198.
- Merzifonluoğlu, Y., J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn. 2012. The Static Stochastic Knapsack Problem with Normally Distributed Item Sizes. Mathematical Programming 134(2), 459-489.
- Van den Heuvel, W., O.E. Kundakçioğlu, J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn, T.C. Sharkey, and A.P.M. Wagelmans. 2012. Integrated Market Selection and Production Planning: Complexity and Solution Approaches. Mathematical Programming 134(2), 395-424.
- Geunes, J., R. Levi, H.E. Romeijn, D.B. Shmoys. 2011. Approximation Algorithms for Supply Chain Planning Problems with Market Choice. Mathematical Programming 130(1), 85-106.
- Sharkey, T.C., J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn, Z.-J. Shen. 2011. Exact Algorithms for Integrated Facility Location and Production Planning Problems. Naval Research Logistics 58(5), 419-436.
- Sharkey, T.C., H.E. Romeijn, J. Geunes. 2011. A Class of Nonlinear Nonseparable Continuous Knapsack and Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problems. Mathematical Programming 126(1), 69-96.
- Burke, G., J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn, A. Vakharia. 2007. Allocating Procurement to Capacitated Suppliers with Concave Quantity Discounts. Operations Research Letters 36, 103-109.
- Merzifonluoğlu, Y., J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn. 2007. Integrated Capacity, Demand, and Production Planning with Subcontracting and Overtime Options. Naval Research Logistics 54(4), 433-447.
- Romeijn, H.E., J. Geunes, K. Taaffe. 2007. On a Nonseparable Convex Maximization Problem with Continuous Knapsack Constraints. Operations Research Letters 35, 172-180.
- Yang, B., J. Geunes. 2007. Inventory and Lead-Time Planning with Lead-Time Sensitive Demand. IIE Transactions 39(5), 439-452.
- Geunes, J., H.E. Romeijn, K. Taaffe. 2006. Requirements Planning with Pricing and Order Selection Flexibility. Operations Research 54(2), 394-401.
- Choi, J., Cao, J., H.E. Romeijn, J. Geunes, S.X. Bai. 2005. A Stochastic Multi-item Inventory Model with Unequal Replenishment Intervals and Limited Warehouse Capacity. IIE Transactions 37(12), 1129-1142.
- Huang, W., H.E. Romeijn, J. Geunes. 2005. The Continuous-Time Single-Sourcing Problem with Capacity Constraints and Expansion Opportunities. Naval Research Logistics 52(3), 193-211.
- Balakrishnan, A., J. Geunes, M.S. Pangburn. 2004. Coordinating Supply Chains by Controlling Upstream Variability Propagation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 6(2), 163-183.
- Geunes, J. Z.J. Shen, H.E. Romeijn. 2004. Economic Ordering Decisions with Market Choice Flexibility. Naval Research Logistics 51(1), 117-136.
- Balakrishnan, A., J. Geunes. 2003. Production Planning with Flexible Product Specifications: An Application to Specialty Steel Manufacturing. Operations Research 51(1), 94-112.
- Geunes, J., P.M. Pardalos. 2003. Network Optimization in Supply Chain Management and Financial Engineering: An Annotated Bibliography. Networks 42(2), 66-84.
- Balakrishnan, A., J. Geunes. 2000. Requirements Planning with Substitutions: Exploiting Bill-of-Materials Flexibility in Production Planning. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 2(2), 166-185.