- Associate Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Mike & Sugar Barnes Faculty Fellow
- Phone: 979-458-2335
- FAX: 979-458-4299
- Email: emc@tamu.edu
- Office: ETB 4034

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, University of California, Berkeley - 2010
Research Interests
Dr. Erick Moreno-Centeno’s research interests are on the theory and applications of discrete optimization with an emphasis on network optimization. Specifically, his focus is to design and analyze optimization models and algorithms that are computationally viable for real-world applications. He achieves this by combining effective modeling with efficient computational techniques. His current research projects include designing a round-off-error-free and fast-in-practice linear programming algorithm and solving problems in energy (topology control), decision theory (voting) and machine learning.
Awards & Honors
- Volunteer Service Award - Meritorious Level, INFORMS, 2017
- Dr. Hamed K. Eldin Outstanding Early Career Industrial Engineer in Academia Award, Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), 2016
- Distinguished Award in Teaching - College Level, Association of Former Students, 2016
- Honorable Mention - INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group paper competition, 2015
- Tenneco Meritorious Teaching Award - College of Engineering, 2015
- Selectee: National Academy of Engineers 6th Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium, 2014
- Operations Research Division Annual Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Operations Research, IIE, 2014
- Professor of the Year Award - IIE student chapter, 2013
- Montague-Center for Teaching Excellence Scholar - Texas A&M University's Center for Teaching Excellence, 2012
- Finalist - INFORMS Decision Analysis Society student paper competition, 2011
- Katta G. Murty Best Paper Prize - UC Berkeley's IEOR Department, 2009
- Graduate Student Instructor of the Year Award - IIE Student Chapter, 2008
- Marshall-Oliver-Rosenberger Award - UC Berkeley's IEOR Department, 2007
- University Level Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award - UC Berkeley's Teaching Center, 2007
Selected Publications
- Escobedo A.R., E. Moreno-Centeno, "Roundoff-error-free algorithms for solving linear systems via Cholesky and LU factorizations", INFORMS Journal of Computing, 27(4), 2015, 677-689
- Moreno-Centeno E., R. M. Karp, The implicit hitting set approach to solve combinatorial optimization problems with an application to multi-genome alignment, Operations Research, 61(2) 2013, 453468.
- Hochbaum D. S., E. Moreno-Centeno, P. Yelland, R. A. Catena, Rating customers according to their promptness to adopt new products, Operations Research, 59(5) 2011, 11711183