- Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Rockwell International Professor
- Director, TEES Institute for Manufacturing Systems
- Affiliated Faculty, Multidisciplinary Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
- Phone: 979-458-2348
- Email: satish@tamu.edu
- Office: ETB 4046
- Website: Research
- Linkedin: LinkedIn Profile

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, Pennsylvania State University – 1997
Research Interests
Dr. Satish T. S. Bukkapatnam’s research in smart manufacturing addresses the harnessing of high-resolution nonlinear dynamic information, especially from wireless micro-electromechanical systems sensors, to improve the monitoring and prognostics, mainly of ultraprecision and nanomanufacturing processes and machines, and wearable sensors for cardiorespiratory process prognostics. His research has led to over 160 peer-reviewed publications (101 published/accepted in journals and 68 in conference proceedings); five pending patents; $6.5 million in grants as PI/Co-PI from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Defense and the private sector; and 17 best-paper/poster recognitions.
Certifications & Memberships
- Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) – 2018
- Fellow, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE) – 2016
Awards & Honors
- Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair Award, 2019-20
- IISE Transactions best paper award (honorable mention, with H. Tran and M. Garg), 2019
- Global Grand Challenges best undergraduate project poster award (S. Jabez and K. Afrin), 2017
- Best AggiE-challenge project award (2016, 2017)
- IISE Transactions best application paper award honorable mention (P. Rao et al.), 2016
- INFORMS Datamining Section best paper award finalist (A.S. Iquebal), 2016
- Texas A&M University Engineering Showcase best poster award (M. Aguirre) 2015
- IISE Technical Innovation Award, 2014
- IIE Research Conference, Quality Control and Reliability Engineering Division Best Student Paper Award (Z. Wang), 2014
- 2nd EMS-IEH Conference, Best Health Innovation Award (3rd place), 2013
- Top 20 Science and Engineering Professors in Oklahoma (http://onlineschoolsoklahoma.com/top-college-professors-in-oklahoma/science-engineering/), 2013
- SAS Datamining Conference, Best Paper (runner-up) and Student Ambassador Award (with A. Sa-Ngasoongsong), 2012
- Inaugural OSU President's Cup for Interdisciplinary Research, 2012
- OSU CEAT Halliburton Outstanding Senior Faculty Award, 2012
- IISE Hamed K. Eldin Outstanding Young IE Educator Award, 2012
- IIE Research Conference, CIEDAH Best Student Poster Award (first place winner: Changqing Cheng), 2011
- IIE Research Conference, Computer and Information Engineering Division Best Student Paper Award (with A. Sa-Ngasoongsong), 2011
- OSU Regents Distinguished Research Award, 2011
- Oklahoma State University (OSU) CEAT Halliburton Outstanding Young Faculty Award, 2011
- IIE Research Conference, Computer and Information Engineering Division Best Student Paper Award (with T. Le and R. Komanduri), 2010
- IIE Research Conference, Manufacturing and Design Division (with H. Yang), 2009
- Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Quality, Statistics and Reliability Section Chair, 2007-08
- TSL Society (with J. Zhao and M. Dessouky), INFORMS for publication in Transportation Science Journal, 2007
- SME Dougherty Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, 2005
- Alpha Pi Mu-Omega Rho Teacher of the Year Award, Daniel J. Epstein Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, University of Southern California, 2001
- Novel Applications (first runner-up, with S. Kumara and A. Lakhtakia), Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference 94, St. Louis, November 1994.
- First Rank in Production and Industrial Engineering stream of GATE, 1992
Selected Publications
- P. Rao, S.T.S. Bukkapatnam, O. Beyca, Z. Kong, and R. Komanduri, "Real-time Identification of Incipient Surface Morphology Variations in Ultra-Precision Machining Process," ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 136, no. 2, 021008, 2014.
- Z. Wang, S.T.S. Bukkapatnam, S.R.T. Kumara, and Z. Katz, “Change Detection in Manufacturing Processes under Transient Conditions,” CIRP Annals, vol. 63, no. 1, 449-452, 2015.
- C. Cheng, A. Sa-ngasoongsong, O. Beyca, T. Le, H. Yang, Z. Kong and S. Bukkapatnam, “Time series forecasting of nonlinear and nonstationary processes: A review and comparative study, IIE Transactions, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1053-1071, 2015.
- S.T.S. Bukkapatnam, A.S. Iquebal, S. R.T. Kumara, “Planar random graph representations of spatiotemporal surface morphology: Application to finishing of 3-D printed components, CIRP Annals, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 495-498, 2018.
- Z. Wang and S.T.S. Bukkapatnam, “A Dirichlet process Gaussian state machine model for change detection in transient processes,” Technometrics, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 373-385, 2018.