- Assistant Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Phone: 979-458-2379
- Email: hrayer@tamu.edu
- Office: ETB 4036

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech – 2018
Research Interests
- Dr. Hrayer Aprahamian’s research interests lie at the interface of operations research and machine learning. Specifically, his research focuses on combinatorial/discrete optimization and network analysis, in which he works on finding new solution techniques and efficient algorithmic approaches to solve difficult optimization problems. Applications of his work include high-dimensional cluster analysis, risk classification procedures and large-scale screening of heterogeneous populations. He is particularly interested in applications related to health care systems and public policy decision-making.
Awards & Honors
- Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award, First place, 2019
- Young Distinguished Alumni Award, 2019
- Pierskalla Best Paper Award, Runner up, 2017
- Paul E. Torgersen Graduate Student Research Excellence Award, 2018
- Bonder Scholar for Applied Operations Research in Health Services, Finalist, 2017
Selected Publications
- H. Aprahamian, D. R. Bish, and E. K. Bish. Optimal risk-based group testing strategies. Management Science, 2019.
- H. Aprahamian, E. K. Bish, and D. R. Bish. Adaptive risk-based array pooling in public health screening. ISE Transactions, 50(9), 753-766, 2018.
- H. Aprahamian, D. R. Bish, and E. K. Bish. Optimal group testing: Structural properties and robust solutions, with application to public health screening. Under third round of review with INFORMS Journal on Computing.
- H. Aprahamian, D. R. Bish, and E. K. Bish. Residual risk and waste in donated blood with pooled nucleic acid testing. Statistics in Medicine, 35(28):5283-5301, 2016.
- H. Aprahamian, B. Maddah. Pricing Asian options via compound gamma and orthogonal polynomials. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 264:21-43, 2015.