- Associate Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Mike and Sugar Barnes Faculty Fellow, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Assistant Professor, Center for Outcomes Research, Houston Methodist Hospital
- Department of Surgery, Institute for Academic Medicine (IAM), Houston Methodist Hospital
- Affiliated Faculty, Environmental and Occupational Health
- Affiliated Faculty, Biomedical Engineering
- Faculty Fellow, Center for Remote Health Technologies & Systems
- Faculty Fellow, Center for Health Systems & Design
- Faculty Fellow, NSF Center for Health Organization Transformation (CHOT)
- Phone: 979-458-2337
- Email: sasangohar@tamu.edu
- Office: ETB 4079
- Website: Research Website
- Linkedin: LinkedIn Profile
- Twitter: @Prof_Sasangohar

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Industrial Engineering (Human Factors Engineering), University of Toronto - 2015
Research Interests
- Human factors in health care
- Remote monitoring of health and performance
- Telehealth and mobile health
- Health systems engineering
Awards & Honors
- Dr. Hamed K. Eldin Outstanding Early Career IE in Academia Award, Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineering, 2022
- William C. Howell Young Investigator Award, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), 2021
- Bentzi Karsh Early-Career Service Award, HFES, 2021
- TEES Young Faculty Fellows Award, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2021
- Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2020
- Research Impact Award, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), 2020
- Constance M. and Byron F. Dyer Fellowship Award, Houston Methodist Hospital Foundation, 2018
Selected Publications
- Ahmadi, N., Sasangohar, F., Sultana, I., Larsen, E., Nisar, T., Danesh, V. (2022). Quantifying occupational stress in intensive care unit nurses: An applied naturalistic study of correlations between stress, heart rate, electrodermal activity and skin temperature. Human Factors, 64(1): 159-172. DOI: 10.1177/00187208211040889
- Sadeghi, M., Sasangohar, F., McDonald, A., Hegde, S. (2022). Understanding Heart Rate Reactions to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Among Veterans: A Naturalistic Study. Human Factors, 64(1): 173-187. DOI: 10.1177/00187208211034024
- Wang, X., Markert, C., Sasangohar, F. (2021). Investigating Popular Mental Health Mobile Application Downloads and Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Human Factors. DOI: 10.1177/0018720821998110.
- Sasangohar, F., Dhala, A., Zheng, F., Ahmadi, N., Kash, B., Masud, F. (2020). Use of telecritical care for family visitation to ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic: an interview study and sentiment analysis. BMJ Quality & Safety, Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1136/bmjqs-2020-011604 † Editors’ Choice for top 20 BMJ Q&S articles in 2020
- Moon, J., Sasangohar, F., Son, C., Peres, S.C. (2020). Cognition in Crisis Management Teams: An Integrative Analysis of Definitions. Ergonomics, 63(10): 1240-1256. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2020.1781936
- Son, C., Sasangohar, F., Peres, S.C., Moon, J. (2020). Muddling Through Troubled Water: Resilient Performance of Incident Management Teams During Hurricane Harvey. Ergonomics, 63(6): 643-659. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2020.1752820 † Ergonomics Journal Best Paper Award Finalist 2021
- Sasangohar, F., Moats, J., Mehta, R., Peres, C. (2020). Disaster Ergonomics: Human Factors in COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Management. Human Factors, 62(7): 1061-1068. DOI:10.1177/0018720820939428