This program equips you with advanced skills in AI, machine learning, and ethical decision-making, empowering you to create innovative solutions and lead AI initiatives across industries. Prepare to shape the future of technology and elevate your career in this fast-growing field.
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If you are a thesis student, you must select an advisory committee chair from the department’s graduate faculty. Note that IF you want a chair who does NOT have an appointment with our department, your committee must have two co-chairs, one who is a member of our department’s graduate faculty and the one you selected from another department’s faculty.
You and your chair work together to select the remainder of your advisory committee. Your advisory committee for the MSAI degree consists of at least three members from the Texas A&M University graduate faculty (your chair counts as a member). Most are from our department, and at least one member is from another or an outside department. Note that all faculty members with full joint appointments in our department are considered departmental faculty when evaluating the composition of your committee. Faculty who hold courtesy appointments count as outside members of the committee. Our graduate advising office can provide you with information on which faculty hold joint appointments.
Your advisory committee can have supplemental members who are not members of the Texas A&M graduate faculty and do not count when evaluating the composition of your committee. These supplemental members are usually added because they have some special expertise that is relevant to your research topic. Such members are added by “special appointment” requests. Check with our graduate advising office for more information.
Once you and your chair agree on a tentative advisory committee, you will meet with each prospective committee member to determine whether this committee assignment is agreeable and then file your degree plan.
Complete your degree plan in consultation with your chair and committee. A total of at least 30 credit hours should satisfy the requirements.
For thesis students, 2 of the following prerequisite courses are required.
If you are an incoming student and do not have these courses or an equivalent, take them in your first semester. The courses will be applied toward your elective hours.
For thesis students, 6 hours (two courses) of the following core courses list are required and must be passed with a grade of B or better.
For thesis students, 9 hours (three courses) are required from the following list.
For thesis students, 9 hours (generally 3 courses) of additional graded graduate level (numbered 600 or higher) can be chosen as electives.
The default advisory chair for non-thesis students is our department's graduate advisor. If you are a non-thesis student, you meet with your advisory chair before filing your degree plan.
Complete your degree plan in consultation with your chair. A total of at least 30 credit hours should satisfy the requirements.
For non-thesis students, 2 of the following prerequisite courses are required.
If you are an incoming student and do not have these courses or an equivalent, take them in your first semester. The courses will be applied toward your elective hours.
For non-thesis students, 6 hours (two courses) of the following core courses list are required and must be passed with a grade of B or better.
For non-thesis students, 15 hours (five courses) are required from the following list.
For non-thesis students, 9 hours (generally 3 courses) of additional graded graduate level (numbered 600 or higher) can be chosen as electives.
When a graduate and undergraduate course is stacked, graduate students must take the graduate course in the stacked pair. If there are seats in the undergraduate section but not in the graduate section, you should contact the graduate advising office to request that a seat be reallocated. Reallocation can be requested but will have to be approved. Not all reallocations may be approved.