CSCE Capstone Design Projects

The Texas A&M Computer Science and Engineering capstone program allows companies to sponsor projects, enabling senior students to solve real-world engineering problems. This offers a unique opportunity to scout and recruit top student talent.

Program Overview

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering's industry capstone program invites companies to sponsor projects that challenge senior-level students to develop solutions to real-world engineering problems. 

The program boosts a senior student's education with skills needed for future industry work. The students forge teams and learn design, implementation, deployment, project management, teamwork, communication and documentation skills as they tackle company requests. 

A faculty member supervises each team, while an industry mentor is the company's technical point of contact. Companies can mentor one or more teams. 

More Information

For more information, please contact the industry capstone project lead:

Pauline Wade

  • Professor of Practice, Computer Science & Engineering
Pauline Wade