Process Systems Engineering (PSE) is the scientific discipline of integrating scales and components describing the behavior of a physicochemical system, via mathematical modeling, data analytics, process design, integration, optimization, intensification, and control. The department has a large cluster of PSE faculty, experts and researchers making theoretical, computational and algorithmic advances in computer-aided systematic decision-making. PSE provides the ‘glue’ within chemical engineering science, and offers a scientific basis and computational tools towards addressing contemporary and future challenges in energy, environment, advanced chemical manufacturing, safety, circular economy, and sustainability.
Process Systems Engineering Faculty
Mahmoud El-Halwagi
- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Bryan Research and Engineering Chair in Chemical Engineering
- Managing Director, TEES Gas and Fuels Research Center
- Office: CHEN 229
- Phone: 979-845-3484
- Email: el-halwagi@tamu.edu

M. M. Faruque Hasan
- Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Kim Tompkins McDivitt ’88 and Phillip McDivitt ’87 Faculty Fellow
- Assistant Director of Decarbonization, Texas A&M Energy Institute
- Office: 242 CHEN/ERB 333
- Phone: 979-862-1449
- Email: hasan@tamu.edu

Faisal Khan
- Department Head, Chemical Engineering
- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Mike O'Connor Chair II
- Director, MKO Process Safety Center
- Director, Ocean Energy Safety Institute
- Affiliated Faculty, Industrial & Systems Engineering, Multidisciplinary Engineering, Ocean Engineering and Petroleum Engineering
- Office: CHEN 246
- Email: fikhan@tamu.edu

Costas Kravaris
- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Office: CHEN 236
- Phone: 979-458-4514
- Email: kravaris@tamu.edu

Joseph Sang-Il Kwon
- Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Stephanie Sneed Langenstein '89 Faculty Fellow
- Office: 206 CHEN/ERB 331
- Phone: 979-862-5930
- Email: kwonx075@tamu.edu

Efstratios Pistikopoulos
- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- University Distinguished Professor
- Dow Chemical Chair
- Director, Texas A&M Energy Institute
- Office: CHEN 335
- Phone: 979-458-0259
- Email: stratos@tamu.edu