ETID Centers & Laboratories
- Adaptive Robotics and Technology (ART) Laboratory
- Additive Manufacturing Laboratory
- Cobotics Lab
- Computer Vision and Robotics Lab
- Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory
- DXP Pump Laboratory
- Embedded Systems Laboratory
- Fluid Power Laboratory
- Global Supply Chain Laboratory
- Instrumentation and Power Systems Laboratory
- Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Laboratory
- Micro and Nano Manufacturing Laboratory
- Mobile Integrated Solutions Laboratory
- Multimedia and Cloud Computing Laboratory
- Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation Laboratory
- Polymer Composites Advanced Manufacturing Lab
- Product Innovation Center
- Prototyping Laboratory
- Radio Frequency Identification in Distribution Laboratory
- R.C. Womack Fluid Power Laboratory
- RFID/Sensor Laboratory
- Rockwell Automation Laboratory
- Thomas and Joan Read Center for Distribution Research and Education (TEES)
- TI Mixed-Signal Test Laboratory