The Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology (MXET) Program prepares students for careers requiring a broad understanding of mechanics, electronics, embedded systems, control and communications of complex systems. The program also offers applied research opportunities for educational, government, and industrial entities at the state and national levels, and conducts professional development and associated activities to meet the needs of the public and private sectors.
The program has two focus areas of study: Mechatronics and STEM Educator.
Graduates of the Mechatronics focus area will be able to work in a wide range of industries such as automotive, aerospace, and oil & gas. STEM Educator focus area graduates will earn a B.S. degree in Engineering Technology while also preparing to complete teaching certification in engineering, math and physical science at the secondary level. Unlike other engineering/engineering technology disciplines that are very specialized in their curricula, the MXET curricula are designed to provide the graduate with experiential education in a broad range of technologies applicable to product and systems development.
MXET has requested its initial ABET Accreditation visit for Fall 2019. Students who graduate in Spring 2019 will be included as graduating from an ABET-accredited program. The first MXET graduates are scheduled to graduate in May 2019.