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A highway interchange with cars

Transportation engineers are involved with the safe and efficient movement of both people and goods. They design and maintain all types of transportation facilities, including highways and streets, mass transit systems, railroads, airfields, ports and harbors.

Transportation engineers apply technological knowledge as well as an understanding of the economic, political and social factors in their projects. They must work directly with urban planners because the quality of a community is directly related to the quality of the transportation system.

Some of Our Research Specialties

  • Planning & Modeling
  • Traffic Management
  • Traffic Control
  • Highway Capacity
  • Intelligent Systems
  • Geometric Design

Area faculty and researchers

Mark Burris

  • Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • Herbert D. Kelleher Professor
  • Division Head, Transportation & Materials Engineering
Mark Burris

Gene Hawkins

  • Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Gene Hawkins

Dominique Lord

  • Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • A.P. Wiley Faculty Fellow
Dominique Lord

Luca Quadrifoglio

  • Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • E.B. Snead ‘25 Associate Professor
Luca Quadrifoglio

Xiubin "Bruce" Wang

  • Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Xiubin "Bruce" Wang

Yunlong Zhang

  • Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • Associate Department Head, Graduate Programs, Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • Peter C. Forster ‘61 Professor
Yunlong Zhang