Geotechnical engineers study expansive soils, scour and erosion, construction quality control, seafloor foundations and anchors and stability of seafloor slopes. Researchers investigate foundation design, slope and retaining wall design, foundations on expansive soils, site investigations and geotechnical earthquake engineering.
Graduate course offerings include engineering properties of soils, geomechanics, numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, foundation design, slope and retaining wall design, foundations on expansive soils, site investigations and geotechnical earthquake engineering.
Through its geotechnical engineering program, the department offers graduate students outstanding opportunities for study and research. A diversified curriculum provides broad latitude for selecting individual programs of study. Graduate students associate with a wide range of research programs conducted by faculty members.
Well-equipped laboratories support graduate research work and provide part-time employment. Developed in conjunction with industry and government agencies, this specialty also introduces students to a variety of employment opportunities in international organizations, public agencies, private industries, universities, and consulting firms. Geotechnical graduate students have access to research facilities available on campus at the Computing Services Center and in other divisions within the department (such as the environmental, water resources, ocean, and coastal engineering research areas), the Texas Transportation Institute and the Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
Some of Our Research Specialties
- Scour at Bridges
- Prediction of Meander Migration
- Intelligent Compaction
- Seafloor Interactions with Steel Catenary Risers
- Mine Burial in Seafloor
- Pavements on Expansive Soils
- Performance of High Plasticity Clay Slopes