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  • Associate Professor, Statistics
  • Associate Professor, Biology
  • Affiliated Faculty, Biomedical Engineering
Yuchao Jiang

Educational Background

  • B.Sc., Biological Sciences, Cornell University - 2012
  • M.Sc., Statistics, The Wharton School - 2014
  • Ph.D., Genomics and Computational Biology, University of Pennsylvania - 2017

Research Interests

  • The Jiang Lab’s primary research interests lie in statistical modeling and method development in genetics and genomics, applying data from large-scale cohort studies of human health and disease. We collaborate with biologists and clinicians to address statistical and computational challenges presented by new cutting-edge technologies and provide data-driven statistical methods to biomedical researchers for better data analysis and experimental design. Our particular focus is on detecting structural variants, assessing intratumor heterogeneity, interrogating genome-wide DNA damage and repair, and deciphering cellular heterogeneity by single-cell omics approaches. Our research is currently supported by R35 GM138342 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.