What is Ocean Engineering?
Ocean engineering is the application of engineering principles in an ocean environment. The diversity of this environment and the challenge of the ocean frontier make it an exciting career for young ocean engineers.
Ocean engineering prepares people to build systems that monitor and control coastal environments. Students learn to build dikes, flood control systems, and power stations in or near the ocean. They also learn to use math and science to solve problems caused by tidal forces, waves, and currents.
What do Ocean Engineers do?
Ocean engineers are involved in:
- exploration and exploitation of offshore gas and oil fields
- searching for economical methods for extracting energy from the oceans
- coastal zone management
- development of undersea vehicles and intelligent work systems
- maintaining and deepening harbors and their entrance channels
- designing fixed and floating offshore structures
- beach restoration
- instrumentation
- acoustic surveillance systems
Where do Ocean Engineers Work?
Employment opportunities exist with private industry, defense contractors, consulting firms, and government agencies.
Typical ocean engineering application areas include: beach protection and nourishment, coastal structures, coastal erosion, development of ocean energy resources, instrumentation for coastal and offshore measurements, marine dredging and dredged material placement, moored and towed systems, ocean mining, offshore petroleum recovery, offshore structures, ports and harbors, search and salvage, suspended and dissolved constituent transport, subsea pipelines and cables, submersible vehicles, and underwater acoustics.
Why Study Ocean Engineering at Texas A&M?
Texas A&M is one of only a few universities in the United States that offers degrees in ocean engineering. We conduct research, serve the public and educate students in a broad program of instruction encompassing traditional and emerging areas of ocean engineering. Our graduates are prepared for entering engineering practice, continuing onto
We offer ocean engineering continuing education activities for the people and marine industry of the state, nation and international community. We also serve the public and engineering profession in Texas and the nation through
Our graduates are qualified to contribute to the ocean engineering profession and society, gain employment in ocean engineering and related engineering fields with private and government organizations, and advance to positions of increased responsibility.

The undergraduate advisors are your first point of contact for questions about undergraduate degree program. Contact them for questions about entering the Department of Ocean Engineering.