Research Themes
- Nuclear security & proliferation risk analysis
- Safeguards systems analysis and instrument development
- Combating nuclear terrorism
- Nuclear forensics and attribution
- Arms control and treaty verification
- Ensuring the peaceful use of nuclear energy
- First university to mount and record radiation data from a crane used in port operations
- Developed SINRD detector with Los Alamos National Lab for testing by International Atomic Energy Agency
- Developed the SHIELD framework to interdict HEU at borders
- Made the first quantitative measurement of Pu in used nuclear fuel with Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- Developed capability for bench-scale PUREX reprocessing of plutonium for nuclear forensics applications
- Developed the PRAETOR tool and latency method for proliferation risk analysis
- Performed nuclear forensics analysis on weapons-grade plutonium samples employing PUREX combined with ICPMS and gamma spectrometry
- Devised a safeguards system concept for pebble-fueled high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.
- Developed a new technique for analyzing Pu K x-rays for nuclear forensics applications using a bent-crystal spectrometer.
- Performed proliferation resistance/safeguards analysis of the Fast Breeder Reactor fuel cycle.
- Developed a portable gamma radiation portal monitor specifically designed for the scanning of livestock.
- Devised methodology for determining which states will develop nuclear capabilities
- Performed innovative N-terrorism pathways analysis to boost the efficacy of defense.
- Developed dynamic agent-based modeling using the Bayesian framework for addressing intelligent adaptive nuclear nonproliferation analysis.
- International research and education: India, Russia, Switzerland, UAE, England, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Jordan
- GNEII program cited by White House as the fifth most important United States science and technology activity in the Middle East
Craig Marianno
- Associate Professor, Nuclear Engineering
- Office: AIEN M310
- Phone: 979-845-6093
- Email: marianno@tamu.edu

Siegfried Hecker
- Professor of Practice, Nuclear Engineering
- Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Office: AIEN M404
- Email: sshecker@tamu.edu

Warren "Pete" Miller
- Professor of Practice, Nuclear Engineering
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Office: AIEN 404
- Phone: 505-362-1180
- Email: wmiller@tamu.edu

Farheen Naqvi
- Research Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering
- Faculty Fellow, Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives
- Office: AIEN 314A
- Phone: 979-458-2477
- Email: fnaqvi@tamu.edu