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Learn more about the materials science and engineering Materials Design Capstone Project to match the opportunity that's right for you.

Materials scientists and engineers seek to understand the underlying connections between processing, microstructure, property, and performance. While nowadays there are very powerful experimental tools that help us understand materials’ behavior, at the same time there has been considerable progress in the development of computational tools capable of predicting materials behavior at different scales, from electrons to the continuum. Thanks to Moore’s Law, computers keep becoming increasingly powerful and this considerable growth in computing power is helping materials scientists carry out increasingly realistic simulations. The hope is that, alongside advanced experimental techniques, computational materials science can open new windows into the materials world. While physics-based computational tools have proven to be extremely useful, novel Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods have gained increased popularity in the field. From classifiers capable of classifying microstructures as well as humans to AI-based algorithms helping humans make decisions on what experiments or simulations to run next, ML/AI frameworks are poised to revolutionize the way materials scientists investigate and design new materials to enable the kinds of technologies that transform our world.

Core Faculty

Raymundo Arróyave

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Presidential Impact Fellow
  • Chancellor EDGES Fellow
  • Engineering Dean’s Research Fellow
  • Segers Family Dean's Excellence Professor
Raymundo Arróyave

Amine Benzerga

  • Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
  • General Dynamics Professor in Aerospace Engineering
  • Director, Center for Intelligent Materials and Structures (CiMMS)
Amine Benzerga

Jeffrey Bullard

  • Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
Jeffrey Bullard

Tahir Cagin

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
Tahir Cagin

Michael J. Demkowicz

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Director of Graduate Programs, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Presidential Impact Fellow
Michael J. Demkowicz

Dimitris Lagoudas

  • University Distinguished Professor
  • Robert C. “Bud” Hagner Chair of Engineering
  • Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Dimitris Lagoudas

Alan Needleman

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
  • University Distinguished Professor
  • Royce E. Wisenbaker '39 Chair II
  • Permanent Member, Hagler Institute for Advanced Study
  • Member, National Academy of Engineering
Alan Needleman

Xiaofeng Qian

  • Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
  • AZZ Inc. Fellow
  • Affiliated Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Xiaofeng Qian

Ankit Srivastava

  • Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
Ankit Srivastava