Committees and Members
Faculty Advisory Committee
Jeyavijayan Rajendran (Chair), Dileep Kalathil, Mladen Kezunovic, Sunil Khatri, Scott Miller, Kevin Nowka, Jose Silva-Martinez, Steve Wright.
Faculty Professional Recognition and External Awards Committee
Costas Georghiades (Chair), Prasad Enjeti, I-Hong Hou, Linda Katehi, Mladen Kezunovic, P.R. Kumar, Thomas Overbye, B. Don Russell, Yang Shen, Chanan Singh, Karan Watson, Stan Williams.
Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Committee
Philip Hemmer (Chair), Narasimha Reddy, Arum Han, Linda Katehi, Soaram Kim, Arya Menon, Krishna Narayanan, Robert Nevels, Thomas Overbye, Sam Palermo, Chao Tian, Hamid Toliyat.
Former Students and External Relations Committee
Kevin Nowka (Chair), Adam Birchfield, Prasad Enjeti, Sebastian Hoyos, P.R. Kumar, Krishna Narayanan, Sandip Roy, Don Russell, Chao Tian, Jun Zou.
Graduate Studies Committee
Robert Nevels (Chair), Robert Balog, Xin Chen, Gwan Choi, Peter Rentzepis, Raffaella Righetti, Serap Savari, Yang Shen, Xi Zhang.
Graduate Student Quality Evaluation Committee
Karen Butler-Purry (Chair), Miroslav Begovic, Adam Birchfield, Kate Davis, I-Hong Hou, Roozbeh Jafari, Dileep Kalathil, Srinivas Shakkottai, Steve Wright, Suin Yi.
Seminar and Distinguished Speaker Committee
Mark Weichold (Chair), Shankar Bhattacharyya, Mehrdad Ehsani, Sebastian Hoyos, Soaram Kim, Pao-Tai Lin, Mi Lu, Krzysztof Michalski, Alex Sprintson, Suin Yi, Byung-Jun Yoon.
Staff and Faculty Internal Awards Committee
Karen Butler-Purry and Narasimha Reddy (Co-Chairs), Miroslav Begovic, Pierce Cantrell, Sunil Khatri, Xiaoning Qian, Chanan Singh, John Tyler.
Tenure and Promotion Committee
Scott Miller (Chair), Ulisses Braga-Neto, Aydin Karsilayan, Christi Madsen, Scott Miller, Kevin Nowka, Sam Palermo, Xiaoning Quian, Raffaella Righetti, Weiping Shi, Le Xie.
Undergraduate Enrichment and Outreach Committee
Oscar Moreira-Tamayo (Chair), Kate Davis, Nick Duffield, Won Jang, Tie Liu, John Lusher, Oscar Moreira, Sandip Roy, Jose Silva-Martinez.
Undergraduate Studies Committee
Aydin Karsilayan (Chair), Narasimha Reddy, Xin Chen, Gwan Choi, Rusty Harris, Roozbeh Jafari, Laszlo Kish, Krzysztof Michalski, Mina Rahimian, Serap Savari, John Tyler.
Guidelines for Joint Faculty with Courtesy (0%) Appointments
Goal: To provide 0% appointments in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECEN) to tenured and tenure-track faculty whose long-term primary employment commitment is in another Texas A&M University department, but who would like to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with ECEN.
Criteria: There should be a clear and mutual benefit to the department and to the candidate. Requests based solely on the need to supervise graduate students do not constitute sufficient justification for an appointment.
Expectations and Privileges of Joint Faculty with Courtesy Appointments
- They are expected to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with the department.
- They will be given the privilege to serve as Chair of Graduate Advisory Committees for ECEN students.
- Once approved, they are expected to give a departmental seminar to introduce themselves to the faculty and thus facilitate further collaborations.
Appointment & Renewal Processes
- Candidates must provide a CV and a formal request memo to the department head identifying the goals of the appointment and the benefits to the candidate and the department.
- A champion faculty member within ECEN is required, and a recommendation letter from the champion should be attached.
- The CV, statement, and faculty recommendation will be considered by the ECEN Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Committee, which will make a recommendation to the ECEN department head.
- The ECEN department head will review the recommendation and make a final departmental decision. If the department head decision deviates from the recommendation of the Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Committee, the department head will provide the committee with a justification.
Appointment Term: Three years, renewable based upon evaluation by the ECE Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Committee. If a Joint Appointment is not renewed, then the faculty member must go through the full process again for a new joint appointment. If the committee has not performed an assessment within the past one year, then existing joint appointments reaching the term limit shall remain in effect until they are reviewed.
Renewal Duties: The joint faculty must submit a brief report that will be reviewed by the ECE Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Committee. The report must include the following:
- Current CV.
- Description of any seminars and/or guest lectures by the joint faculty or their students in ECEN since the previous review.
- Description of any collaboration with ECEN faculty or supervision of ECEN students since the last review
- (Optional) Description of any other pertinent activities involving ECEN since the last review. Examples include participation in ECEN faculty meetings, ECEN faculty lunches, ECEN faculty retreats, and teaching of ECEN courses.
- (Optional) Summary of research activities, impacts, and services outside of their home department (College of Engineering/Texas A&M University, Community, etc.) relating to the joint appointment.