If you are an international student, you must pass the speaking section of the English Language Proficiency Exam (ELPE) with a score of 80 or higher, or pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) speaking score of 26 or higher, according to the University requirements. International students must meet "Level 1" criteria of language proficiency.
All teaching assistant (TA) appointments are made by the Graduate Office. If a faculty member would like to request that you serve as a TA in their course, that request must be made by the faculty member to the Director of ECEN Graduate Programs. To ensure full consideration, please submit your applications by the priority deadlines which are July 1 for Fall TA positions and November 15 for Spring TA positions. Please note that like many other classes, Senior Capstone Design (ECEN 403/404) requires TA support and so please consider including them in your list of preferred TA choices, provided you are open to assisting with those classes and are qualified to do so.