- Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
- Email: daugher@tamu.edu
- Website: Personal Website

Educational Background
- Ed.D., Mathematical Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1977.
- M.A.T., Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1967
- B.S., Mathematics, Oklahoma Christian College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1966
Awards & Honors
- Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science, elected to membership, 1961, Oklahoma State University
- National Science Foundation, Institute for High Ability Secondary School Students, 1962, University of Oklahoma
- Westinghouse, Science Talent Search national finalist, 1963
- National Merit Scholarship test, highest score in Oklahoma, 1963
- Frontiers of Science, scholarship, 1963, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Engineering Club of Oklahoma City, award, 1963, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Christian College, full scholarship (top entering freshman), 1963, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- National Science Foundation, Undergraduate Research Participation Program, 1965, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
- Alpha Delta Tau, National Honor Society, 1966
- Whos Who in American Colleges and Universities, 1966
- Graduate Record Exam in Mathematics, scored 800, 1966
- Harvard University, Prize Fellowship, 1966
- National Science Foundation, Academic Year Institute, 1967
- Phi Delta Kappa, National Honor Society, 1967
- Harvard University, Class Marshal for the Graduate School of Education, 1967
- Harvard University, Bowdoin Prize, bronze medal and cash award for outstanding writing, 1973
- Association for Computing Machinery, selected as a reviewer for Computing Reviews , 1975
- Blinn College, Faculty Council Secretary-elect, 1985, Brenham, Texas
- Harvard University, 350th Anniversary Choir, 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Abilene Christian University, Department of Computer Science Visiting Committee, 1993, Abilene, Texas
- Association for Computing Machinery, Outstanding Regional Intercollegiate Programming Contest Director Award, 1993, Indianapolis, Indiana
- World Congress on Neural Networks, Invited speaker, 1993, Portland, Oregon
- World Congress on Neural Networks, Neural Systems Session Co-chair, 1993, Portland, Oregon
- Graduate Student Council, 1997 Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award citation: For your time and dedication to graduate students at Texas A&M.
- Named by the TAMU System to The Academy for Educator Development, a major component of The Texas A&M University Systems Regents Initiative for Excellence in Education, 2003 (one of only two faculty members selected from the entire College of Engineering)
- Winner, $500 cash prize, Texas A&M University Academic Integrity Week Essay Competition (Faculty Category), 2004
Selected Publications
- Daugherity, W. C., and Coulson, R. N., Knowledge Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture Management, Proceedings of ICAST 2001 Conference (Beijing, China, November 2001), 2:266, 2001
- Coulson, R. N., Saunders, M. C., Saarenmaa, H., Daugherity, W. C., and Rykiel, E. J., A Knowledge System Environment for Ecosystem Management, book chapter in Klopatek, J. and Gardner, R. (eds.), Integration of Cultural and Natural Ecosystems Across Landscapes: Applications of the Science , Springer-Verlag, 1997 (in press)
- Coulson, R. N., Daugherity, W. C., Rykiel, E. J., Saarenmaa, H., and Saunders, M. C., The Pragmatism of Ecosystem Management: Planning, Problem Solving and Decision Making with Knowledge-Based Systems, Proceedings of Eco-Informa 96 Conference (Lake Buena Vista, Florida, November 1996), 10:342-50, 1996.
- Coulson, R. N., Fitzgerald, J. W. * , Daugherity, W. C., Oliveria, F. L., and Wunneburger, D. F., Using Spatial Data for Integrated Pest Management in Forest Landscapes, GIS World (accepted)
- Daugherity, W. C.; Harris, C. E. , Jr.; and Rabins, M. J., Introducing Ethics and Professionalism in REU Programs, Proceedings of the 1995 World Conference on Engineering Education (Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 1995).
- Coulson, R. N., Daugherity, W. C., Vidlak, M. D. * , Fitzgerald, J. W. * , Teh, S. H. * , Oliveria, F. L., Drummond, D. B., and Nettleton, W. A., Computer-based Planning, Problem Solving, and Decision Making in Forest Health Management: An Implementation of the Knowledge System Environment for the Southern Pine Beetle, ISPBEX-II, Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium on Current Topics in Forest Entomology (Maui, Hawaii), 1995.
- Yen, J., Daugherity, W. C., Wang, H. * , and Rathakrishnan, B. * , Self-Tuning and Self-Learning Fuzzy Systems, book chapter in Yen, J., Langari, R., and Zadeh, L. (eds.), Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems , IEEE Press, 1995.
- Daugherity, W. C., Video review of Introduction to Biological and Artificial Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, by Steven K. Rogers, in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks , Vol. 5, No. 5, 1994.
- Teh, S. H. * , Daugherity, W. C., and Coulson, R. N., A User-Centric Methodology for Building Usable Expert Systems, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (Austin, Texas, May-June 1994), 45-48, 1994