- Professor Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Educational Background
- Ph.D Mathematics, University of New Mexico, 1969
- M.Sc. Physics, University of New Mexico, 1962
- B.Sc. Engineering Physics, Auburn University, 1958
Research Interests
- Mathematical software.
- Numerical analysis
- Parallel numerical analysis
Awards & Honors
- Member, IFIP Working Group 14.1
- Mathematics and Computation Division of the American Nuclear Society, 1980-1991
- Editor-in-Chief, Marcel Dekker Journal Transport Theory and Statistical Physics,1982-1995.
Selected Publications
- "Abstract Riccati Equations in an L1 Space of Finite Measure and Applications to Transport Theory, " Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, 53-67 (1990).
- "An Integrodifferential Equation for the Two-Dimensional Reflection Kernel" (with D. L. Seth), Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 49, 1-18 (1992).
- "Global Existence for an Abstract Riccati Initial-Value Problem with Possibly Unbounded Coefficients" (with J. Juang), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 166, 103-111 (1992).
- "Error and Optimality for Spatial Approximations in One-Dimensional Transport" (with Fan Yu), Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, Vol. 21, 237-257 (1992).
- "Angular Discretization Errors in Transport Theory: An Information-Based Approach," (with Fan Yu), Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 112, 231-238 (1992).
- "Existence and Uniqueness of an Inverse Problem for a Hyperbolic System of LIDAR Probing" (with D.D. Bui), Inverse Problems, Vol. 8, 821-829 (1992).
- "A Computational Study of Discretization Error in the Solution of the Spencer-Lewis Equation by Doubling Applied to the Upwind Finite-Difference Approximation" (with D.L. Seth, and A..K. Ray), Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 103, 370-381 (1992).
- "LOCFES - A Program for Automatic Determination of the Order of Spatial Approximations in One-Dimensional Particle Transport" (with D.S. Ek), Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 74, 91-118 (1993).
- "Worst-Case Errors for Some Spatial Approximations to a Model Problem in Two-Dimensional Transport" (with Transport Theory and Statistical Physics), Vol. 22, 271-291 (1993).
- "A Parallel Algorithm for an Inverse Problem Associated with a Hyperbolic System of Partial Differential Equations" (with Mike R. Phillips), Proc. 1994 Int. Conf. Parallel Processing, Vol. III, 55-63 (1994), CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL.