- Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Phone: 979-458-2642
- Email: bobakm@tamu.edu
- Office: PETR 308
- Website: Lab Webpage

Research Interests
- Medical analytics, prediction, and comparative effectiveness
- Machine learning
- Embedded systems design
- Wearable sensors
- Cyber-physical systems
Awards & Honors
- Best Demonstration Award - IEEE EMBS 9th International Body Sensor Network Conference, 2012
- Featured Article - IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2014
- Best Paper Award - Fourth International Conference on Data Analytics, 2015
Selected Publications
- Mortazavi, B., Downing, N., Bucholz, E., Dharmarajan, K., Manhapra, A., Li, S., Negahban, S., Krumholz, H. (2015) Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Heart Failure Readmissions. CIRCOUTCOMES (Accepted In Press)
- Mortazavi, B., Pourhomayoun, M., Nyamathi, S., Wu, B., Lee, S.I., Sarrafzadeh, M. (2015) Immersive Mobile Exergaming with User-Centric Multiple Model Activity Recognition. Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing
- Woodbridge, J., Mortazavi, B., Bui, A.A.T., Sarrafzadeh, M. (2014) Improving Biomedical Signal Search Results in Big Data Case-Based Reasoning Environments. Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2016
- Mortazavi, B., Pourhomayoun, M., Ghasemzadeh, H., Jafari, R., Roberts, C., Sarrafzadeh, M. (2014) Context-Aware Data Processing to Enhance Quality Measurements in Wireless Health Systems: An Application to MET Calculation of Exergaming Actions. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (J-IOT)
- Lee, S.I., Ghasemzadeh, H., Mortazavi, B., Lan, M., Ong, M., Sarrafzadeh, M. (2013) Remote Monitoring Systems: What Impact Can Data Analytics Have on Cost? In Proceedings of Wireless Health 2013
- Mortazavi, B., Nyamathy, S., Lee, S.I., Wilkerson, T., Ghasemzadeh, H., Sarrafzadeh, M. (2013). Near-Realistic Mobile Exergames with Wireless Wearable Sensors. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- Woodbridge, J., Mortazavi, B., Sarrafzadeh, M., Bui, A. (2012) A Monte Carlo Approach to Biomedical Time Series Search. (2012) In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2012)
- Mortazavi, B., Chu, K.C., Li, X., Tai, J., Kotekar, S., Sarrafzadeh, M. (2012) Near-Realistic Motion Video Games with Enforced Activity. 9th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2012)