- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Ford Motor Company Design Professor II
- Regents Professor
- Phone: 979-458-8008
- Email: dilma@cse.tamu.edu
- Office: PETR 227
- Website: Personal Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D. Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997
- M.S. Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, 1990
- B.S. Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, 1986
Research Interests
- Cloud computing
- Operating systems
- Distributed computing
- High-end computing
Awards & Honors
- ACM Distinguished Speaker, 2009-2014
- ACM Distinguished Scientist, 2011
- IBM Research Division Award, 2011
- Pat Goldberg Best Paper Award, 2009
- Best Paper Award at USENIX File and Storage Technologies (FAST) Conference, 2008
- Research Productivity Award, from the Brazilian Federal Research Agency (CNPq), 1997-2000
- Doctoral Fellowship, from the Brazilian Federal Research Agency (CNPq), 1990-1994
Selected Publications
- Marcio Silva, Michael R. Hines, Diego Gallo, Kyung Dong Ryu, Yoonseo Choi, Qi Liu, and Dilma Da Silva, "Cloudbench: Experiment Automation for Cloud Environments," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2015. To appear.
- Xiaoen Ju, Livio Soares, Kang G. Shin, Kyung Dong Ryu, and Dilma Da Silva, On Fault Resilience of Openstack," In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Cloud Computing, SOCC 2013.
- Rolf Riesen, Kurt Ferreira, Dilma Da Silva, Pierre Lemarinier, Dorian Arnold, and Patrick G. Bridges, "Alleviating Scalability Issues of Checkpointing Protocols," In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2012.
- Liting Hu, Kyung Dong Ryu, Dilma Da Silva, and Karsten Schwan, "v-bundle: Flexible Group Resource Offerings in Clouds," In 32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), pages 406415, 2012.
- Abhirup Chakraborty, Eugen Schenfeld, and Dilma Da Silva, "Switching Optically Connected Memories in a Large-Scale System," In 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), pages 727738, 2012.
- Dan Tsafrir, Tomer Hertz, David Wagner, and Dilma Da Silva, "Portably Solving File TOCTTOU Races with Hardness Amplification" In Proceedings of Usenix File and Storage Technologies (FAST), pages 189206, 2008. USENIX. Best Paper Award.
- Jose E. Moreira, Maged M. Michael, Dilma Da Silva, Doron Shiloach, Parijat Dube, and Li Zhang, "Scalability of the Nutch Search Engine," In Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS 2007.
- Andrew Baumann, Jonathan Appavoo, Robert W. Wisniewski, Dilma M. Da Silva, Orran Krieger, and Gernot Hesier, "Reboots are for Hardware: Updating an Operating System on the Fly," In USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2007.
- Glenn Ammons, Jonathan Appavoo, Maria A. Butrico, Dilma Da Silva, David Grove, Orran Krieger, Kiyokuni Kawachiya, Bryan S. Rosenburg, Eric Van Hensbergen, and Robert W. Wisniewski, "Libra: A Library Operating System for a JVM in a Virtualized Execution Environment," In Proceedings of Virtual Execution Environments (VEE), pages 4454, 2007.
- Orran Krieger, Marc Auslander, Bryan Rosenburg, Robert W. Wisniewski, Jimi Xenidis, Dilma Da Silva, Michal Ostrowski, Jonathan Appavoo, Maria Butrico, Mark Mergen, Amos Waterland, and Volkmar Uhlig, "K42: Building a Complete System," In EuroSys 2006.
- D. M. Silva, K. Schwan, and G. Eisenhauer, "CTK: Configurable Object Abstractions for Multiprocessors," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(6):531550, June 2001.