- Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Phone: (979) 458-6850
- Email: botacin@tamu.edu
- Office: PETR 224
- Website: Personal Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Computer Science, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, 2021
- M.S., Computer Science, University of Campinas, Brazil, 2017
- B.S., Computer Engineering, University of Campinas, Brazil, 2015
Research Interests
- Malware
- Antivirus
- Reverse engineering
- Forensics
- Hardware-assisted security
Awards & Honors
- Honorable Mention - Top-3 Best Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Security, Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), 2022
- Best Ph.D. Thesis of the Informatics Department - Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), 2022
- Honorable Mention - Top-3 Best Papers - Main Track - Brazilian Security Symposium, SBC, 2019
- Best Master Dissertation in Computer Security, Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), 2018
- Best Master Dissertation of the Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), 2018
- Travel Grant (Student/Diversity, USENIX Enigma Conference (USENIX), 2019
Selected Publications
- Marcus Botacin, Hojjat Aghakhani, Stefano Ortolani, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna, Daniela Oliveira, Paulo Lício De Geus, André Grégio. "One Size Does Not Fit All: A Longitudinal Analysis of Brazilian Financial Malware", ACM Transactions On Privacy and Security (TOPS), 2021.
- Marcus Botacin, Fabricio Ceschin, Ruimin Sun. Daniela Oliveira, André Grégio. "Challenges and Pitfalls in Malware Research", Elsevier Computers & Security, 2021.
- Marcus Botacin, Anatoli Kalysch, André Grégio. "The Internet Banking [in]Security Spiral: Past, Present, and Future of Online Banking Protection Mechanisms Based on a Brazilian Case Study", ACM International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 2019.
- Marcus Botacin, Paulo Lício De Geus, André Grégio. "Enhancing Branch Monitoring for Security Purposes: From Control Flow Integrity to Malware Analysis and Debugging", ACM Transactions On Privacy and Security (TOPS), 2018.
- Marcus Botacin, Paulo Lício De Geus, André Grégio. "Who Watches the Watchmen: A Security-focused Review on Current State-of-the-art Techniques, Tools, and Methods for Systems and Binary Analysis on Modern Platforms", ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2018.