- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-4359
- Email: garay@cse.tamu.edu
- Office: PETR 429
- Website: Personal Website

Research Interests
- Cryptography and information security
- Cryptographic protocols and schemes
- Secure multiparty computation
- Cryptocurrencies and blockchain protocols
- Cryptography and game theory
- Network security
- Distributed computing
- Consensus problems
- Algorithms
Selected Publications
- Juan A. Garay, Aggelos Kiayias, Rafail M. Ostrovsky, Giorgos Panagiotakos, Vassilis Zikas: Resource-Restricted Cryptography: Revisiting MPC Bounds in the Proof-of-Work Era. EUROCRYPT (2) 2020: 129-158
- Juan A. Garay, Aggelos Kiayias, Nikos Leonardos: The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications. EUROCRYPT (2) 2015: 281-310. (To appear in Journal of the ACM.)
- Juan A. Garay, Jonathan Katz, Ueli Maurer, Björn Tackmann, Vassilis Zikas: Rational Protocol Design: Cryptography against Incentive-Driven Adversaries. FOCS 2013: 648-657
- Juan A. Garay, Philip D. MacKenzie, Manoj Prabhakaran, Ke Yang: Resource Fairness and Composability of Cryptographic Protocols. J. Cryptol. 24(4): 615-658 (2011). (Preliminary version in TCC 2006.)
- Juan A. Garay, Yoram Moses: Fully Polynomial Byzantine Agreement for n Greater Than 3t Processors in t + 1 Rounds. SIAM J. Comput. 27(1): 247-290 (1998). (Preliminary version in STOC 1993.)