• Professor, Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution,
  • Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology,
  • Associate Provost for Academic Enhancement
Michael Johnson

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2004
  • S.M., Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2001
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University – 1999

Research Interests

    • Engineering Education
    • Production Economics
    • Computer-Aided Design Methodology 

Awards & Honors

  • ASEE National Engineering Technology Teaching Award (2020)
  • ASEE Fredrick J. Berger Award (2020)
  • Texas A&M Institute for Engineering Education and Innovation Fellow (2018-2019)
  • College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award (2017-2018)
  • Southeastern Conference Academic Leadership Development Program Fellow (2017-2018)
  • Charlotte and Walter Buchanan Faculty Fellow in ETID – 2017
  • Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching – College Level – 2016
  • Faculty Excellence Award: Teaching, Research, and Service, ETID – 2016
  • Service Excellence Award, Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution - 2014
  • Corrie and Jim Furber ’64 Faculty Fellow in Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution (2012-2013)
  • Texas A&M University College of Engineering William O. and Montine P. Head Fellow – 2012
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution – 2011
  • Honorary Member – Tau Alpha Pi Honor Society (Inducted 2011)
  • Senior Member – IEEE – 2011
  • Student-led Award for Teaching Excellence (SLATE) – Fall 2009

Selected Publications

  • Debapriyo, P., Nepal, B., Johnson, M.D., Jacobs, T.J., 2018. “Examining Validity of General Self-Efficacy Scale for Assessing Engineering Self-Efficacy,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 33 (5): 1671-1686.
  • Johnson, M.D., Valverde, L.M., Thomison, W.D., 2018. “An Investigation and Evaluation of Computer-Aided Design Model Complexity Metrics, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 15 (1): 61-75.
  • Henri, M.A., Johnson, M.D., Nepal, B., 2017. “A Review of Competency-Based Learning: Tools, Assessments, and Recommendations," Journal of Engineering Education, 106 (4): 607-338.
  • Johnson, M.D., Ye, K., 2017, "An Analysis of CAD Modeling Procedure Data Collection Using Synchronous and Retrospective Think Aloud Techniques," Proc. Human-Computer Interaction, M. Kurosu, ed. Vancouver, BC, Part I, pp. 313-324.
  • Johnson, M.D., Sawaya, W.J., Natarajarathinam, M., 2013. “A Methodology for Calculating the Comprehensive Cost of Manufacturing Offshoring,” International Journal of Production Research, 51 (18): 5549-5564.