- Adjunct Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Email: hangue.park@tamu.edu

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology – 2017
- M.S., Seoul National University –2008
- B.S., Seoul National University –2006
Research Interests
Neuromodulation using electrical stimulation
Rhythmic movements in
human body -
Rehabilitation after spinal cord injury
augmentation -
Wireless intraoral device and its applications
Biomedical system & IC design
Awards & Honors
- Neuroscience Trainee Professional Development Award, Society for Neuroscience, 2017
- Outstanding Research Award for Predoctoral Students, Association of Korean Neuroscientists, 2016
- Best Demonstration Award, IEEE BIOCAS conference, 2012
- Second Place Award & Best Showcase Award, Georgia Tech Business Plan Competition, 2012
Selected Publications
- H. Park, M.S. Islam, M.A. Grover, A.N. Klishko, B.I. Prilutsky, and S.P. DeWeerth, “A Prototype of a Neural, Powered, Transtibial Prosthesis for the Cat: Benchtop Characterization,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, special issue on Neural Prostheses for Locomotion, Jul. 2018
- H. Park, K. Oh, B. I. Prilutsky, and S. P. DeWeerth, “A real-time closed-loop control system for modulating gait characteristics via electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves,” proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems conference, 2016.
- H. Park and M. Ghovanloo, “Wireless communication of intraoral devices and its optimal frequency selection,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 3205-3215, 2014.
- J. Kim, H. Park, J. Bruce, E. Sutton, D. Rowles, D. Pucci, J. Holbrook, J. Minocha, B. Nardone, D. West, A. Laumann, E. Roth, M. Jones, E. Veledar, and M. Ghovanloo, "The tongue enables computer and wheelchair control for people with spinal cord injury," Science Translational Medicine, vol. 5, no. 213, p. 213ra166, 2013.
- H. Park, M. Kiani, H. Lee, J. Kim, J. Block, B. Gosselin, and M. Ghovanloo, “A Wireless Magnetoresistive Sensing System for an Intraoral Tongue-Computer Interface,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 571–585, Dec. 2012.