- Interim Senior Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering
- Interim Associate Agency Director, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
- Interim Department Head, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Delbert A. Whitaker Chair
- Affiliated Faculty, Multidisciplinary Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-7408
- FAX: 979-845-6259
- Email: georghiades@tamu.edu
- Office: WEB 301I, WEB 301S
- Website: Personal Website
Educational Background
- D.Sc., Washington University – 1985
- M.S., Washington University – 1983
- B.E., American University of Beirut –1980
Research Interests
- Statistical communication theory
- Receiver design
- Mobile radio (multipath/fading channels)
- Synchronization and equalization
- Distributed source coding
- Interference rejection techniques
- Multicarrier modulation
- Space-time coding
- Optical and magnetic recording channels
Awards & Honors
- Keynote speaker, International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC-2002), July 17-19, 2002, Banff, Canada.
- Delbert A. Whitaker Endowed Chair Professor, 2002-
- Recipient of the 2002 Brocket Professorship
- IEEE Fellow
- Halliburton Professor, Texas A&M University, 1995
- J.W. Runyon, Jr., Professorship, 1997-2002
Selected Publications
- M. Uysal and C.N. Georghiades, New Non-orthogonal Space-time Block Codes for 3-TX Antennas, accepted for publication in the IEE Electronic Letters November 2002.
- M. Uysal and C.N. Georghiades, An Efficient Implementation of a Maximum-Likelihood Detector for Space-Time Block Coded Systems, accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- Z. Cai, M. Lu and C.N. Georghiades, Topology-Transparent TDMA Broadcast Scheduling in Multihop Packet Radio Networks, to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- A. Liveris, Z. Xiong and C.N. Georghiades, Compression of Binary Sources with Side Information at the Decoder Using LDPC Codes, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 440-442, October 2002.
- A. Liveris, Z. Xiong and C.N. Georghiades, A Distributed Source Coding Technique for Correlated Images Using Turbo-Codes, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 379-381, September 2002.
- S. Choe, C.N. Georghiades and K. Narayanan, Improved Upper Bounds on Error Probability for Biorthogonal Trellis-Coded CDMA Systems, IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 361-363, September 2002.
- Y. Xie and C.N. Georghiades, An EM-Based Channel Estimation Algorithm For OFDM With Transmitter Diversity, to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Communication, January 2003.
- Q. Li, X. Wang, and C.N. Georghiades, Iterative Multiuser Detection for Turbo-Coded CDMA in Multipath Fading, to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- S. Choe and C.N. Georghiades, On the Performance of a Novel Quasi-Synchronous Trellis-Coded CDMA System, to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Communications, December 2002.
- Murat Uysal, Naofal Al-Dhahir and Costas N. Georghiades, A Space-Time Block-Coded OFDM Scheme for Unknown Frequency-Selective Fading Channels, IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 5, pp. 393-395, October 2001.