- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Irma Runyon Chair
- University Distinguished Professor
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-7589
- FAX: 979-845-6259
- Email: singh@ece.tamu.edu
- Office: WEB 320C
- Website: Personal Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan
- B.S. (Honors), Electrical Engineering, Punjab Engineering College
Research Interests
- Reliability and Security of Electric Power Systems
- Theory and Applications of System Reliability
- Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
- Reliability of Cyber-Physical Systems
Awards & Honors
- Member, Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas.
- IEEE-PES Technical Committee Prize paper Award for “Non-Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation for Cyber-Induced Dependent Failures in Composite Power System Reliability Evaluation”, (Co-recipient with my former student Hangtian Lei), 2018.
- IEEE-PES Technical Committee Prize Paper Award for the Transactions paper, "Generating Capacity Reliability Evaluation Based on Monte Carlo Simulation and Cross-Entropy Methods." (Co-recipient with Brazilian colleagues Armando Leite da Silva and Reinaldo Fernandez), 2011.
- Inaugural recipient of IEEE-PES Roy Billinton Power System Reliability Award, for “Contributions to the methodological developments, education and practice of power system reliability evaluation”, 2010.
- Guest Professor, Tsinghua University, Department of Electrical Engineering (State Key laboratory of the Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipment ), April, 2010-2015.
- PMAPS Merit Award 2008 – Lifelong achievement award by the Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems International Society (PMAPS), “for developing probabilistic methods for power systems”.
- IEEE Power Engineering Society, “Electric Delivery System Reliability Tutorial Award”, 2007.
- IEEE Power Engineering Society, “Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award”, 1998 for “Innovative Leadership in Power Engineering Education”.
- Doctor of Science, “For research contributions", by the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, May 1997
- IEEE-PES Outstanding Working Group Award – 1997.
- IEEE-PES Technical Committee Prize Paper Award for “Pooling Generating Unit Data for Improved Estimates of Performance Indices,” 1997.
- Elected Fellow of IEEE for "Contributions to Theory and Applications of Quantitative Reliability Methods in Electric Power Systems’’, 1991.
- Ross Medal of the Engineering Institute of Canada for the best Electrical Engineering paper for 1972, "The Frequency and Duration Method of Generating Capacity Reliability Evaluation'', Transactions of EIC, Vol. 15, No. C-1, March 1972.
- Gold Medal of the Punjab University for being the overall top most student amongst all branches of engineering and in all affiliated colleges in the graduating class.
- Gold Medal of the Punjab Engineering College, for the top-most student in Electrical Engineering.
- Outstanding ECEN Professor, 2017
- Distinguished Electrical Engineering Professor, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Chapter, 2004. This was a special award by the student chapter given for the first time.
- Appointed to J.W. Runyon, Jr. ’35 Professorship II
- Named Texas A&M System Regents Professor, Texas A&M System, December 2001.
- Awarded the AFS, University Level Distinguished Award in Research (Highest university award in research), TAMU, 1997.
- Dresser Professorship, for excellence in research and education 1992-1993.
- Halliburton Professorship for excellence in research and education, 1986-1987.
- Senior TEES Fellow, for excellence in research 1989-present.
- TEES Fellow, for excellence in research 1987-89.
Selected Publications
- Population-based intelligent search in reliability evaluation of generation systems with wind power penetration, L. F. Wang, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3, August, 2008, pp. 1336-1345.
- Reliability Constrained Multi-Area Adequacy Planning Using Stochastic Programming with Sample-Average Approximations, Panida Jirutitijaroen ,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, VOL. 23, NO. 2, MAY 2008
- ”Composite Reliability Evaluation Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Least Squares Support Vector Classifier”, N. M. Pindoriya, P. Jirutitijaroen, D. Srinivasan, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, . Vol: 26 , Issue: 4 ,pp: 2483 - 2490 , Nov 2011..
- “A Methodology for Evaluation of Hurricane Impact on Composite power System Reliability”, Y. Liu, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol 26, No.1, Feb 2011.
- “Wind Farm Diversification and its Benefits for Power System Reliability”, Yannick Degeilh, International Journal on electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol 33,issue 2, Feb 2011
- “Reliability Evaluation of Composite Power Systems Using Markov Cut-Set Method”, Yong Liu, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol 25,no.2, may 2010.
- “Generating Capacity Reliability Evaluation based on Monte Carlo Simulation and Cross- Entropy Method”,Armando Lete da Silva,reinlado Fernandes,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol 25, Feb 2010.
- “Power System Reliability Evaluation Considering Cyber-malfunctions in Substations”, Hangtian Lei, Electrical Power Systems Research, vol 129, December 2015, pp 160-169
- “Non-Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation for Cyber-Induced Dependent Failures in Composite Power System Reliability Evaluation”, Hangtian Lei , EEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, VOL. 32, NO. 2, MARCH 2017
- “Optimal Wind Farm Allocation in Multi-Area Power Systems using Distributionally Robust Optimization Approach”, Fahad Alismail, P. Xiong, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol 3, Issue 1,, January 2018, 536-544.