- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Director, Soft Matter Facility
- Phone: 979-458-9840
- FAX: 979-845-3081
- Email: svetlana@tamu.edu
- Office: RDMC 219
- Website: Research Webpage

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Polymer Chemistry, Moscow State University, Russia - 1989
- B.S., Polymer Science, Moscow State University, Russia - 1984
Research Interests
- Stimuli-responsive all-polymer and polymer nanocomposite assemblies for sensing, separation and biomedical applications
- Structure and dynamics of polyelectrolyte assemblies
- Materials with controllable optical, swelling and drug-release responses
- Remote manipulation of material shape
- Smart antibacterial materials
- Surface modification for controlling wettability, adhesion and adsorption
Awards & Honors
- Provosts Entrepreneurship Award, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2013
- NSF Special Creativity Award, 2012
- Davis Award for Research Excellence, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2011
- Award for Distinguished Scientific Achievement, American Coatings Association, IN, 2009
- Fellow, American Physical Society, 2007
- Research Recognition Award, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2004
- SOROS International Science Foundation Research Award, 1994 1995
- Editorial Advisory Board for Particle & Particle Systems Characterization and Macromolecules, 2012-present
Selected Publications
- A. Zhuk, V. Selin, I. Zhuk, B. Belov, J.F. Ankner and S.A. Sukhishvili Chain Conformation and Dynamics in Spin-Assisted Weak Polyelectrolyte Multilayers, Langmuir 2015, 31, 38893896.
- Y. Lu, Y. Wu, J. Liang, M. R. Libera Self-defensive Antibacterial Layer-by-Layer Hydrogel Coatings with pH-Triggered Hydrophobicity, Biomaterials 2015, 45, 64-71.
- I. Zhuk, F. Jariwala, A.B. Attygalle, Y. Wu, M. Libera and S.A. Sukhishvili Self-Defensive Layer-by-Layer Films with Bacteria-Triggered Antibiotic Release, ACS Nano 2014, 8, 77337745 (featured in Science 2014, ?6201, Vol. 345, 1133).
- Y. Lu, M. Sarshar, K. Du, T. Chou, Ch.-H. Choi, S.A. Sukhishvili "Large-Amplitude, Reversible, pH-Triggered Wetting Transitions Enabled by Layer-by-Layer Films", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 1261712623.
- L. Xu, V. Selin, A. Zhuk, J.F. Ankner, S.A. Sukhishvili "Molecular Weight Dependence of Polymer Chain Mobility within Multilayer Films", ACS Macro Letters 2013, 2, 865-868.
- Zh. Zhu, N. Gao, H. Wang and S.A. Sukhishvili Temperature-triggered On-demand Drug Release Enabled by Hydrogen-Bonded Multilayers of Block Copolymer Micelles, J. Controlled Release 2013, 171, 7380.
- P. Pinkhasova, T. Chou, B. Puccio, S. Sukhishvili, H. Du Noble Metal Nanostructure as both SERS Nanotag and Analyte Probe, ChemComm 2012, 48, 97509752.
- Zh. Zhu, E. Senses, P. Akcora and S.A. Sukhishvili Programmable Light-Controlled Shape Changes in Layered Polymer Nanocomposites, ACS Nano 2012, 6, 31523162.
- A. Zhuk, R. Mirza and S. Sukhishvili Multiresponsive Clay-Containing Layer-by-Layer Films, ACS Nano 2011, 5, 87908799.
- Y. Han, S. Tan, M. K. Kh. Oo, D. Pristinski, S. Sukhishvili, and H. Du Towards Full-Length Accumulative SERS-active Photonic Crystal Fiber, Advanced Materials 2010, 22, 1-5.
- M. Erol, Y. Han, S. K. Stanley, Ch. M. Stafford, H. Du and S. Sukhishvili SERS Not To Be Taken for Granted in the Presence of Oxygen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 74807481.