- Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- Phone: 979-458-8645
- Email: kwhsiao@tamu.edu
- Office: RDMC 201A
- Research Website

Research Interests
- Additive manufacturing
- Single molecule spectroscopy
- Polymer physics
- Complex fluid dynamics
- Additive manufacturing
Awards & Honors
- 2022 Stanford Wu-Tsai Human Performance Fellow
- 2022 Stanford Bio-X Travel Award
- 2022 ACS PMSE Future Faculty Award
- 2021 Stanford Molecular Imaging Program (MIPS) poster presentation First Prize
- 2017 ChBE Graduate Symposium Presentation Second Prize
- 2016 GLCACS Outstanding Student Research Award
- 2016 AIChE Selected presentation: Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research
- 2015 Dow Company Graduate Fellowship
- 2014 Mavis Future Faculty Award
Selected Publications
- [12] A. Berman*, K. Hsiao*, C. Xi, E. Stein, K. Nguyen, J. M. DeSimone, Z. Bao “Digitally, designed and fabricated miniature capacitive pressure sensors”, in prep. *equal contribution
- [11] N. U. Rajesh, I. Coates, M. Driskill, M. Dulay, K. Hsiao, D. Ilyin, G. Jacobson, J. Kwak, M. Lawrence, J. Perry; C. Shea, S. Tian, J. M. DeSimone “3D-printed Micro-Array Patches (MAPs) for Transdermal Applications”, accepted at JACS Au (2022)
- [10] K. Hsiao*, B. J. Lee*, T. Samuelsen, G. Lipkowitz, D. Ilyn, A. Shih, M. T. Dulay, L. Tate, E. S. Shaqfeh, *Joseph M. DeSimone “Single Digit micron high-resolution CLIP”, accepted at Science Advances (2022)
- [9] G. Lipkowitz, T. Samuelsen, K. Hsiao, B. J. Lee, I. Coats, W. Pan, H. Lin, G. Toth, M. T. Dulay, L. Tate, E. S. Shaqfeh, *Joseph M. DeSimone. “Vat injection additive manufacturing through spatioselectively-programmable microfluidic ducts”, Science Advances, 8 (39), (2022).
- [8] K. Hsiao*, B. J. Lee*, G. Lipkowitz, T. Samuelsen, J. M. DeSimone “Characterization of a 30 micron pixel size CLIP-based 3D printer and its enhancement through dynamic printing optimization”, Additive Manufacturing, 55, 102800, (2022) *equal contribution
- [7] Y. Zhou, K. Hsiao, K. E. Regan, D. Kong, G. B. Mckenna, R. M. Robertson-Anderson, C. M. Schroeder “Effect of molecular architecture on ring polymer dynamics in semidilute linear polymer solutions”, Nature Communications, 10(1), pp 1753, (2019).
- [6] K. Hsiao, C. Sasmal, R. Prakash, C. M. Schroeder. “Direct observation of DNA dynamics in semidilute solutions in extensional flow”, Journal of Rheology, 61, pp 151-167 (2017). Chosen to be Cover Art.
- [5] K. Hsiao, J. Dinic, Y. Ren, V. Sharma, C. M Schroeder. “Passive non-linear microrheology for determining extensional viscosity” Physics of Fluids, 29(12), pp 121603 (2017)
- [4] C. Sasmal, K. Hsiao, C. M. Schroeder, R. Prakash. “Parameter-free prediction of DNA dynamics in planar extensional ow of semidilute solutions”, Journal of Rheology, 61, pp 169-186 (2017)
- [3] K. Hsiao, C. M. Schroeder, C. E. Sing “Ring polymer dynamics are governed by a coupling between architecture and hydrodynamic interactions” Macromolecules, 49(5), pp1961-1971 (2016)
- [2] Y. Li, K. Hsiao, C. A. Brockman, D. Y. Yates, G. B. McKenna, C. M. Schroeder, M. J. San Francisco, J. A. Kornfeld, R. M. Anderson. “When Ends Meet: Circular DNA Stretches Differently in Elongational Flows” Macromolecules, 48(16), pp 5997-6001, (2015)
- [1] F. Latinwo, K. Hsiao, C. M Schroeder “Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of dilute polymer solutions in flow” The Journal of chemical physics, 141(17), pp 174903 (2014)