- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Director, National Corrosion and Materials Reliability Center
- Phone: 979-458-9844
- Email: hcastaneda@tamu.edu
- Office: RDMC 300D
- Website: Laboratory Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA - 2001
- M.S., Materials Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM - 1997
- B.S., Chemical Metallurgical Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM - 1994
Awards & Honors
- 2020-2022 Adjunct Professor (Professeur Affilie) with Mechanics, Surface and Processing Laboratory at ENSAM, Aux in Province, France
- 2019 Chairman of the Industrial Corrosion Consortia at NACE
- 2019 Editor of the Journal of Materials Science (Materials in Electronics)
- 2019 Fellow of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
- 2019 Member of the Publications Activities Committee at NACE
- 2018-2020 Guest Editor Special Issue "Advanced Coatings for Corrosion Protection in Extreme Environments" Journal of Coatings-MDPI (IF 2.3)
- 2018 H.H. Uhlig NACE Award- Best Educator in Corrosion Science and Engineering
- 2019 AZZ Fellowship
- 2017-2018 Member for the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine’s study on Connector Reliability for Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Operations
- 2017 Cathodic Protection Technologist Instructor by NACE (Certify corrosion cathodic protection engineers around the world)
- 2014-2020 National Research Council in Mexico, SNI Level II
- 2007-2013 National Research Council in Mexico, SNI Level I
- 1997 Graduate studies award (Antonio Caso) for best student in Posgraduate studies
- 1997-2000 Fellowship from the National University of Mexico DGAPA
- 1996 Research Award, 1996 by the National University Autonomous of Mexico Foundation for Best Research In Graduate Studies
- 1994 Honorable mention for academic achievement - undergraduate studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Selected Publications
- A Bayesian model framework for calibrating ultrasonic in-line inspection data and estimating actual external corrosion depth in buried pipeline utilizing a clustering technique, H Wang, A Yajima, RY Liang, H Castaneda*, Structural Safety 54, 19-3, 2015.
- D Yang, M Zhang, J Zheng, H. Castaneda*, Corrosion inhibition of mild steel by an imidazolium ionic liquid compound: the effect of pH and surface pre-corrosion, RSC Advances 5 (115), 95160-95170
- AI Karayan, K Jata, M Velez, H Castaneda*, On exfoliation corrosion of alloy 2060 T8E30 in an aggressive acid environment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 657, 546-558.
- Wang, H., Yajima, A., Liang, R.Y., Castaneda Homero*., A clustering approach for assessing external corrosion in a buried pipeline based on hidden Markov random field model , A Structural Safety, 56, pp. 18-29, 2015
- Barraza-Fierro, J.I., Espinosa-Medina, M.A., H. Castaneda*, Transmission Line Modeling Applied to Hot Corrosion of Fe-40at.pctAl in Molten LiClKCl, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, In press, 15 August 2015, 16p.