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Our Graduate Assistantships in Areas of National Need (GAANN) program intends to address infrastructure resilience through adoption, advancement and implementation of novel construction methods, such as concrete 3D printing. Indicative research areas are presented below. Other ideas are currently being considered and may be included later.

Material Design for 3D Printing Applications 

Leads: Z. Grasley, P. Sideris, A. Puppala

Traditional construction materials have been designed for use in conventional constructional methods. For example, typical concrete has been designed for pouring within molds. However, are these materials suitable for 3D printing? What are the properties that materials should have for use in such applications? Can we design them using locally sourced materials? How about sustainable materials for 3D printing, such as geopolymer concrete, earthen materials and/or even controlled low-strength materials?

Structural Design for 3D Printed Concrete Structures   

Leads: P. Sideris, M.D. Hueste, L. Barroso, M. Koliou, A. Puppala 

Modern structures fall into structural system categories available in design codes, such RC or steel moment resisting frames, RC wall systems, and masonry wall systems. However, 3D printed concrete structures do not fall in any of those categories. Then, how can we design 3D printed concrete structures to remain safe under loads? What new types of structural systems can we design for 3D printed structures? What new shapes or material distributions should we consider? What reinforcing strategies can be used?

Simulation of Materials and Structures for 3D Printing Applications

Leads: P. Sideris, Z. Grasley, L. Barroso

Accurate simulation of 3D printed concrete structures is essential to their design and implementation in the field. 3D printed concrete structures may fail during printing or after hardening under service, ultimate or extreme loads. How can we simulate the response of 3D printed structures during printing? How can we simulate the response of hardened 3D printed structures? How does the layered nature of printed elements affect their response?

Resilience of 3D Printed Concrete Structures

Leads: M. Koliou, A. Puppala, M.D. Hueste, P. Sideris

Three-dimensionally (3D) printed concrete structures offer an attractive alternative for applications in disaster affected areas and for new construction because they provide affordability, construction rapidity and reduced environmental impact. However, are they actually more resilient than conventional construction? How can we quantify their resilience under a range of hazards? What designs maximize performance metrics?

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