- Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Ocean Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-4504
- Email: kchang@civil.tamu.edu
- Office: DLEB 304B
- Website: Personal Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Cornell University – 1999
- M.S., Cornell University – 1994
- B.S., National Taiwan University – 1991
Research Interests
- Wave breaking processes
- Wave-structure interactions
- Sediment dynamics
- Environmental fluid mechanics
- Non-intrusive quantitative measurement techniques
Awards & Honors
- Lockheed Martin Excellence in Teaching Award (2012)
- Invitation Fellowship Award (2009-2010) (from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
- Zachry Award for Excellence in Teaching (2008-2009)
- VSJ SGI Award (2001) (from Visualization Society of Japan)
Selected Publications
- Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A. & Mercier, R. (2015) Green water velocity due to breaking wave impingement on a tension leg platform. Experiments in Fluids, 56, 139.
- Song, Y.K., Chang, K.-A., Ariyarathne, K. & Mercier, R. (2015) Surface velocity and impact pressure of green water flow on a fixed model structure in a large wave basin. Ocean Engineering, 104, 40-51.
- Lim, H.-J., Chang, K.-A., Huang, Z.-C. & Na, B. (2015) Experimental study on plunging breaking waves in deep water. Journal of Geophysical Research - Ocean, 120, 2007-2049.
- Whilden, K.A., Socolofsky, S.A., Chang, K.-A. & Irish, J.L. (2014) Using surface drifter observations to measure tidal vortices and diffusion at Aransas Pass, Texas. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 14, 1147-1172
- Song, Y.K., Chang, K.-A., Ryu, Y. & Kwon, S.H. (2013) Experimental study on flow kinematics and impact pressure in liquid sloshing. Experiments in Fluids, 54, 1592