More than 20 percent of Texas A&M students receive scholarship support. In addition to giving students the extra money and time they need to excel in their studies, scholarship programs help the university recruit top students. The criteria for recipient selection may be designated by donors.
Academic and Merit-Based Scholarships
Academic and merit-based scholarships help the department remain competitive in its ability to offer scholarships to the best and brightest high school seniors.
Scholarships can be established by an individual or group with a one-time gift or with a series of installments over a period of years. The income from the endowment is used to award annual stipends. This tax-deductible gift may be made in the method of giving most convenient for the donor. The gift also is eligible for corporate matching gift programs.
Scholarship donors are recognized at the Outstanding Alumni Banquet during which they can meet their scholarship recipients. This celebrations, which encourages a spirit of camaraderie between donors and recipients, often result in lifelong friendships.
Graduate Student Fellowships
Preparing graduate students for bright futures in industry, academia, or wherever they’d like to pursue their dreams is a top priority of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University.
The department’s Vision 2020 plan notes that substantially expanding graduate studies effort is critical to its academic aspiration and to its effectiveness as a great research program. A key goal is to increase financial support for graduate students to a level competitive with that of the nation’s best institutions. This support will enhance the department's ability to recruit and retain the best and brightest graduate students.
Funding for endowed graduate fellowships is essential to making advanced education available to more of our Residents. These highly trained graduates are vital to our state’s productivity and our nation’s ability to compete in global markets.
Fellowships can be established by an individual or group with a one-time gift or with a series of installments over a period of years. The income from the endowment is used to award annual stipends. This tax-deductible gift may be made in the method of giving most convenient for the donor. The gift also is eligible for corporate matching gift programs.
Fellowship donors are recognized at the Outstanding Alumni Banquet during which they can meet their fellowship recipients. These celebrations, which encourages a spirit of camaraderie between donors and recipients, often result in lifelong friendships.