- Professor of Practice, Chemical Engineering
- Phone: 832-474-5915
- Email: nazmul.rahmani@tamu.edu
- Office: CHEN 243

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Alberta - 2004
- M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of North Dakota - 1998
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology - 1995
Research Interests
- Safety in Natural Gas and LNG Processes
- Flow assurance and petroleum production chemistry
- Pipeline transportation and thermal hydraulics modeling
- Corrosion and Reliability
- Fluid thermodynamics Phase behavior
Industry Experience
- Van Mooney Professor of Practice, Department of Chemical & Natural Gas Engineering, Texas A&M University - Kingsville, 2016 – 2022
- Senior Flow assurance Specialist, Genesis Oil & Gas Consultants Limited – Technip USA, Houston, TX 2013-2015
- Development Engineer, Stimulation Fluids Engineering Group - Schlumberger Technologies Limited, Sugarland, TX 2011-2013
- Senior Research Engineer, Subsurface Team, Research & Technology (R&T) Group, Kuwait Oil Company, 2010-2011
- Research Project Manager, DBR Technology Center - Schlumberger Canada Limited, Edmonton, AB 2005-2009
- NSERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Natural Resources Canada, Devon, AB 2004-2005
Certifications & Memberships
- Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Awards & Honors
- 2021 TAMUK Dean of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award
- 2021 TAMU Chancellor Recognition for ACUE Certificate in Effective College Instruction
- 2008 Performed by Schlumberger Award Nominee
- 2004-2005 NSERC Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Canadian Government laboratory
- 1999-2003 Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship & Bursury, U of Alberta
- 1990 BUET Dean’s List Award
- 1991-1994 BUET Merit Scholarship
Selected Publications
- Alexander, M., Rahmani, N. “Work-in-Progress: Engineers Transitioning from an Industrial Position to Full-time Academic Position in an Engineering College”, Paper ID #36685, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 26-29 June, 2022
- Manikonda, K., Hasan, A. R., Kaldirim, O., Rahmani, N., Schubert, J., Rahman, M. A. “A Gas Kick Model That Uses The Thermodynamic Approach To Account For Gas Solubility In Synthetic-based Mud”, SPE MS-202152, 25-27 May, 2021
- Manikonda, K., Hasan, A. R., Kaldirim, O., Rahmani, N., Rahman, M. A. “Estimating Swelling in Oil-Based Mud due to Gas Kick Dissolution”, Proceedings paper at the ASME 39th Intl Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2020-18115, Vol.11: Petroleum Technology, V011T11A039, 3-7August, 2020
- Rahmani, N.H.G., Gao, J., Ibrahim, M.N., Bou-Mikael, S., Al-Matar, B.S., Ruhaimani, F. “Core Flood Investigation into Asphaltene Deposition Tendencies in the Marrat Reservoir SEK”, SPE 121414, Paper presented at the SPE Intl Symp on Oilfield Chemistry, Woodlands, Texas, 2009
- Rahmani Nazmul, Tadeusz Dabros, and Jacob H. Masliyah, “Fractal Structure of Asphaltene Aggregates”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 285, 599-608, 2005
- Rahmani Nazmul, Tadeusz Dabros, Jacob H. Masliyah, “Characterization of Asphaltenes Aggregation and Fragmentation in a Shear Field”, AIChE Journal, 49, 1645, 2003