- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- University Distinguished Professor
- Dow Chemical Chair
- Director, Texas A&M Energy Institute
- Phone: 979-458-0259
- Email: stratos@tamu.edu
- Office: CHEN 335
- Website: Research Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
- Diploma, Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Research Interests
The objective of my research programme is to develop fundamental theory and optimization based methodologies and computational tools that enable process engineers to analyze, design and evaluate process manufacturing systems which are economically attractive, energy efficient and environmentally benign, while at the same time exhibit good performance characteristics like flexibility, controllability, robustness, reliability and safety. Our research involves three main strands:
Process synthesis and the environment: Here we are concerned with the development of process integration and pollution prevention strategies for the design and operation of plant-wide sustainable processes. Novel process synthesis modelling concepts are explored together with life-cycle and environmental impact assessment aspects, leading to new designs which feature step-change improvements in energy efficiency, waste minimization and process sustainability.
Integration of operability objectives in process design and operation: Our work here has centered on the development and implementation of novel analytical tools to simultaneously assess process flexibility, controllability, robustness, reliability and availability of complex process manufacturing systems and the systematic incorporation of these tools at the design and operational level.
Process optimization under uncertainty - theory, algorithms and applications: Here we develop the fundamental underlying mathematical theory, numerical algorithms and efficient computational tools for the solution of multi-parametric and stochastic mixed integer optimization problems, which arise in the context of the work described in the other two research strands.
Awards & Honors
- Fellow Royal Academy of Engineering 2013
- Computing in Chemical Engineering Award from the Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) 2012
Selected Publications
- Rivotti P, Pistikopoulos EN, 2014, Constrained dynamic programming of mixed-integer linear problems by multi-parametric programming, Computers & Chemical Engineering, ISSN:0098-1354
- Koutinas M, Kiparissides A, Pistikopoulos EN, et al., 2012, Bioprocess systems engineering: transferring traditional process engineering principles to industrial biotechnology., Comput Struct Biotechnol J, Vol:3, ISSN:2001-0370
- Lambert RSC, Nascu I, Pistikopoulos EN, 2013, Simultaneous reduced order multi-parametric moving horizon estimation and model based control, IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), Vol:10, ISSN:1474-6670, Pages:45-50
- Kopanos GM, Pistikopoulos EN, 2014, Reactive Scheduling by a Multiparametric Programming Rolling Horizon Framework: A Case of a Network of Combined Heat and Power Units, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol:53, ISSN:0888-5885, Pages:4366-4386
- Zhao Y, Marzinek JK, Bond PJ, et al., 2014, A Study on Fe2+ - alpha-Helical-Rich Keratin Complex Formation Using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol:103, ISSN:0022-3549, Pages:1224-1232