- Emeritus Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Senior Professor
- Phone: 979-845-3389
- FAX: 979-845-6446
- Email: c-glover@tamu.edu
- Office: CHEN 232
- Website: Research Website
![Charles Glover](../_files/_images/_profile-images/image-of-charles-glover.jpg)
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Rice University - 1975
- B.S., University of Virginia - 1968
Research Interests
- Asphalt materials rheological properties, oxidation kinetics, and developing a thermal and oxygen transport model for the oxidation of asphalt binders in pavements.
- Effects of binder oxidation on pavement performance such as age-related fatigue cracking, aggravated by binder oxidation.
Awards & Honors
- Texas Dept. of Transportation's Top Innovation Award, 2001
- TEES Fellow, 2001
Selected Publications
- Mercado, E., Epps Martin, A., Park, E.S., Spiegelman, C., Glover, C.J., "Factors Affecting Binder Properties Between Production and Construction," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 17(1), 89-98 (2005).
- Walubita, L.F., A. Epps Martin, C. J. Glover, S. H. Jung, G. S. Cleveland, and R. L. Lytton, "Fatigue Characterization of Asphalt Concrete Using Mechanistic Empirical and Calibrated Mechanistic Approaches Including the Effects of Aging," ASCE/GSP- R. Lytton Symposium June 1-3, 2005, Asphalt Concrete GSP 146, Volume 185, No. 11, pp 103-114, 2005.
- Al-Azri, N.A.., Jung, S.H., Lunsford, K.M., Ferry, A., Bullin, J.A., Davison, R.R., and Glover, C.J., "Binder Oxidative Aging in Texas Pavements: Hardening Rates, Hardening Susceptibilities, and the Impact of Pavement Depth," Transp. Res. Rec., 1962, 12-20 (2006).
- Walubita, L.F., Epps Martin, A., Glover, C.J., Jung, S.H., Cleveland, G.C., Lytton, R.L, and Park, E.S., "Application of the Calibrated Mechanistic Approach with Surface Energy (CMSE) Measurements for Fatigue Characterization of Asphalt Mixtures," J. Assoc. of Asphalt Paving Technol., 75, 457-490 (2006).
- Woo, W. J., Hilbrich, J. H., and C. J. Glover, "Loss of Polymer Modified Binder Durability with Oxidative Aging: Base Binder Stiffening vs. Polymer Degradation," Transp. Res. Rec.,1998, 38-46 (2007).