- Director of Undergraduate Studies, Chemical Engineering
- Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-0406
- FAX: 979-845-6446
- Email: benjaminwilhite@tamu.edu
- Office: CHEN 226
- Website: Research Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Notre Dame - 2003
- B.S., North Carolina State University - 1997
Research Interests
- Understanding and manipulating interactions between chemical kinetics and transport processes for process intensification
- Design of inherently safer reacting systems
- Development of novel separation materials for hydrogen purification and/or carbon capture
Awards & Honors
- George Armistead, Jr. 23’ Faculty Excellence Award for Service (TAMU) 2018
- Linda and James Harris Outstanding Undergraduate Instructor (TAMU) 2015
- Member, ISCRE Board of Directors (2010-present)
- Recipient, ACS Doctoral New Investigator award (2008)
- Recipient, NSF CAREER Award (2008)
- Recipient, DuPont Young Faculty Award (2007)
- Recipient, Office of Naval Research Award (2007
- Executive Editor, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification (Elsevier)
Selected Publications
- S. Venkateswaran, B.A. Wilhite, C. Kravaris, “Optimal Heating Profiles in Tubular Reactors with Solid-Phase Axial Wall Conduction for Isothermal Operation,” AIChE. J., 65 (2019), 2045-2052.
- G. Liu, B.A. Wilhite, “Model-Based Design for Inhibition of Thermal Runaway in Free-Radical Polymerization,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 58 (2019), 17244-17254.
- Y. Sun, L. Ni, M. Papadaki, W. Zhu, J. Jiang, C. Mashuga, B.A. Wilhite, M.S. Mannan, “Process Hazard Evaluation for Catalytic Oxidation of 2-Octanol with Hydrogen Peroxide using Calorimetry Techniques,” Chem. Eng. J., (available online June 21st, 2019).
- R. Xia, J. Wang, Z. Han, Z. Li, M.S. Mannan and B.A. Wilhite, “Mechanism Study of Ammonium Nitrate Decomposition and Chloride Impurity using Experimental and Molecular Simulation Approach,” J. Haz. Mat., article in press (available online Apr. 22nd, 2019).
- J. Wang, Y. Sun, X. Gao, M.S. Mannan and B.A. Wilhite, “Experimental Study of Electrostatic Hazard inside Scrubber Column using Response Surface Methodology,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 200(2019), 46-68.
- S. Venkateswaran, C. Kravaris, B.A. Wilhite, “Analysis of Solid-Phase Axial Heat Conduction upon Hot-Spot Formation in a One-Dimensional Microreactor,” Chem. Eng. J., article in press (available online 28th November, 2018).
- J. Wang, Y. Huang, B.A. Wilhite, M. Papadaki, M.S. Mannan, “Toward the Identification of Intensified Reaction Conditions using Response Surface Methodology: A Case Study on 3-Methylpyridine N-Oxide Synthesis,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 58 (2018), 6093-6104.
- M.S. Challiwala, B.A. Wilhite, M. M. Ghouri, N. O. Elbashir, “Multidimensional Modeling of a Microfibrous Entrapped Cobalt Catalyst Fischer-Tropsch Reactor Bed,” AIChE J., 64 (2018), 1723-1731.