- Research Assistant Professor, Ocean Engineering
- Phone: 409-740-4596
- Email: xuchang@tamu.edu
- Office: PMEC 135 (Galveston)
- Website: Research Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Ocean Engineering, Texas A&M University – 2022
- Ph.D., General and Fundamental Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology – 2017
Research Interests
- Nonlinear wave mechanics
- Gravity-capillary waves
- Experimental fluid mechanics
- Random vibrations
Selected Publications
- Chang Xu and Marc Perlin. " Parasitic waves and micro-breaking on highly nonlinear gravity-capillary waves in a convergent channel", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (under revision).
- Chang Xu, Marc Perlin. "Gravity–capillary multi-component wave patterns generated by a single-frequency wave-maker oscillation and subsequent resonances", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021.
- Chang Xu, Cong Wang and Wei Liu. "Non-stationary Vibration Signal Analysis using Wavelet based Time-frequency Filter and Wigner-Ville Distribution", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME, 2016.
- Tiezhi Sun, Xiaoshi Zhang, Chang Xu, et al. "Experimental Investigation on the Cavity Evolution and Dynamics with Special Emphasis on the Development Stage of Ventilated Partial Cavitating Flow", Ocean Engineering, 2019.
- Tiezhi Sun, Xiaoshi Zhang, Chang Xu, et al. "Numerical Modeling and Simulation of the Shedding Mechanism and Vortex Structures at the Development Stage of Ventilated Partial Cavitating Flows", European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 2019.
- Sun Tiezhi, Wei Yingjie, Zou Li, Jiang Yichen, Xu Chang, Zong Zhi. "Numerical Investigation on the Unsteady Cavitation Shedding Dynamics over a Hydrofoil in Thermo-sensitive Fluid", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019.