- Adjunct Professor, Ocean Engineering
- Director, GLDD Coastal & Dredging Laboratory
- Email: rmohan@tamu.edu

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Ocean (Coastal) Engineering, Texas A&M University – 1993
- M.S., Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston – 1990
- B.S., Naval Architecture, Cochin University of Science and Technology – 1988
Research Interests
- Dredging and dewatering
- Contaminated sediment management
- Engineering with nature and nature-based systems
- Coastal engineering and living shorelines
- Wetland restoration and beneficial reuse of sediments
Awards & Honors
- Member, National Research Council, Marine Board (2016-2019)
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (2016)
- Chairman, World Organization of Dredging Associations (2013-2016)
- Elected Member, Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Honor Society (1998)
- Member, CEDA (Europe) Commission on Adaptive Management (2012-2014)
- Guest Editor, ASCE Special Publication on Advances in Coastal Structures (2005)
- Member, National Research Council, Ocean Studies Board (2000-2003)
- Editor, Marine Technology Society Special Publication on Ocean Modeling (1999)
- IADC International Award for the best Ph.D. thesis in dredging engineering (1994)
- IGS/AIMIL Annual Award for best geotechnical journal publication (1992)
Selected Publications
- Piercy, C., Welp, T., and Mohan, R.K. 2022. Thin Layer Placement Guidance for Wetlands and Nearshore Environments. Technical Guidance. U.S. Army Corps Engineering Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
- Mohan, R.K. and Piercy, C. 2021. Special Issue on Marsh Enhancement. Shore & Beach. American Shore & Beach Preservation Association. Vol. 89, No. 4.
- Bridges, T.S., King, J.K., Simm, J.D., Beck, M.W., Collins, G.., Lodder, Q., and R.K. Mohan, eds. 2021. International Guidelines on Natural and Nature Based Features for Flood Risk Management. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
- Mohan, R.K. 2017-2021. (Editor). Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, Vols. 10-11.
- Mohan, R.K. 1999-2015 (Editor-in-Chief). Journal of Dredging Engineering. Western Dredging Association.
- Mohan, R.K., Piercy, C., and Welp, T. 2021. Thin Layer Placement for Marsh Enhancement - Planning, Designing and Construction and Monitoring Considerations. Shore & Beach. American Shore & Beach Preservation Association. Vol. 89, No. 4.
- Mohan, R.K., Reemts, M., Gupta, P., Galloway, R., Johnson, T., Brown, R. and Donegan, T. 2021. Restoration of Estuarine Wetlands Using Thin Cover Placement – A Pilot Application in Brunswick, Georgia. Shore & Beach. American Shore & Beach Preservation Association. Vol. 89, No. 4.
- Vlassopoulos, D., K. Russell, P. LaRosa, R. Brown, R. Mohan, E. Glaza, T. Drachenberg, D. Reible, W. Hague, J. McAuliffe, and S. Miller. 2017. Evaluation, Design and Construction of Amended Reactive Caps to Restore Onondaga Lake, Syracuse, New York, USA. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1.
- Mohan, R., Goldberg, K., Pratt, T., Rizzo, A., McHugh, M., and Mears, W. 2016. Rebuilding a Resilient National Shoreline - One Wetland at a Time - A review of National Practice and Lessons Learned. Manuscript under review for the World Dredging Conference (WODCON), Miami, Florida.
- Doody, P., Patmont, C., Gardner, R., and Mohan, R. 2013. A Review of Lessons Learned After Nearly Three Decades of Environmental Dredging in the USA. Proceedings of the World Dredging Congress, Belgium.
- Henderson, M., Reemts, M., Mears, W., and Mohan, R. 2012. Time Critical Port Terminal Shore Protection Design: Supporting the Port of Gulfport Restoration Program. Proceedings, ASCE-PORTS conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, D.C.
- Mohan, R., Palermo, M., Costello, M., Koubsky, D., Rieger, J., and Jackson, M. 2010. Developing an In-Lieu Sediment Remediation Fee Schedule for Elizabeth River. Proceedings of the Battelle Fifth International Conference on Contaminated Sediment Remediation, New Orleans.
- Mohan, R.K. 2005. Capping of Contaminated Coastal Areas. In Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, ed. Schwartz. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Mohan, R., Magoon, O., and Pirrello, M., eds. 2003. Advances in Coastal Structure Design. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, Coastal, Oceans, Rivers, and Ports Institute.
- National Research Council (NRC). 2003. A Process for Setting, Managing and Monitoring Environmental Windows for Dredging Projects. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. (Mohan, R., Committee Member)
- Gerapic, G., Dinicola, W., Znidarcic, D., Mohan, R., and Urso, D. 2002. Modeling Approaches for Estimating Dredged Material Settlement - A Comparison of the PSDDF and CONDES Models. Journal of Dredging Engineering 4(1): 15-33.
- Wright, S., Mohan, R., Brown, M., and Kim, C. 2001. Filter Design Criteria for Aquatic Sediment Caps. Journal of Coastal Research 17(2): 353-362.