- Professor of Practice, Ocean Engineering
- Assistant Director, First Year Engineering Program – Galveston
- Phone: 409-740-4755
- Email: paulmkoola@tamu.edu
- Office: PMEC 132 (Galveston)
- Website: Personal Webpage

Educational Background
- M.B.A., Texas A&M University – 2000
- Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology-Madras – 1991
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Cochin University – 1983
Research Interests
- Applications of systems engineering, machine learning and AI targeted to the marine domain including novel ocean infrastructure
- Smart energy absorbing structures (SEAS)
- Energy stations at sea
- Ocean renewable energy powered autonomous exploration vehicles
- Marine cybersecurity
Industry Experience
• 30+ years of combined experience in Teaching Engineering & Broad Interdisciplinary Research and Development of Complex Interacting Systems
• Designed and Deployed one of the world's first offshore bottom standing 150 kW Ocean Wave Energy Prototypes
• Implemented Complex & Diverse Technologies
Awards & Honors
- German Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow, 1997
- Danida Scholarship (Danish Government), 1993
- U.S. Fulbright Scholar, 1987
Selected Publications
- Paul Mario Koola, Akif Ibragimov, The dynamics of Wave Carpet A novel deep water wave energy design OCEANS 2003, MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings- 2288-2293, San Diego, California.
- Chakrabarti, S. K., and Koola, P. M., "Interaction of a Flexible Floating Carpet with Ocean Waves", OMAE2003-37444, Proceedings of the Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, June, 2003.
- Chakrabarti, S. K., and Koola, P. M., "Hydroelastic Analysis of a Floating Carpet in Waves" Proceedings on Fluid Structure Interaction '03, Cadiz, Spain, June, 2003.
- Koola, P. M.; Kaldenhoff, H. and Schlurman, T.: Multifunctional wave absorbing breakwaters with extreme force dissipation. 5th Int. Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries COPEDEC, Cape, Town, South Africa, 19-23 April 1999.
- Koola, P.M; Sundar, V.; Kaldenhoff, H. and Baur, R.: Pressure Distribution around cylinders due to freak waves. Proc. Int. Conf. in Ocean Engineering, Madras, India, 17-20 Dec. 1996, pp. 189-194.