- Assistant Professor, Ocean Engineering
- Email: furth@tamu.edu
- Office: HEB 207
- Website: Research Webpage

Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of Southampton – 2014
- B.S. & M.S., The Royal Institute of Technology – 2011
Research Interests
- Numerical and experimental hydrodynamics
- High-speed craft dynamics
- Naval architecture
- Wave energy harvesting
- Seakeeping
- Wave downtime analysis
- Aquaculture
Awards & Honors
- ASCE Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Fellow
Selected Publications
- Igbadumhe, J.F. and Fürth, M. (2020). Hydrodynamic analysis techniques for coupled seakeeping-sloshing in zero speed vessels, Igbadumhe, J.F. and Fürth, M., Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, (available in pre-print).
- Fürth, M., Tan, M., Chen, Z.M., and Arai, M. (2020). A Dissipative Green Function Approach to Modelling Gravity Waves behind Submerged Bodies. Journal of Ship Research, (available pre-print JSR-08170054).
- Igbadumhe, J.-F., Sallam, O., Fürth, M., Feng, R. (2020). Experimental determination of non-linear roll damping of an FPSO pure roll coupled with liquid sloshing in two-row tanks. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Special Issue: Ship Dynamics for Performance Based Design and Risk Averse Operations, 8(8), 582.
- Molchanov B., Lundmark S., Fürth, M., Green, M. (2019). Experimental validation of spray deflectors for high speed craft. Ocean Engineering, 191, 106482.