- Research Professor, Aerospace Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-0716
- Email: atropina@tamu.edu
- Office: HRBB 607A
- Website: Research Website

Educational Background
- D.Sc., Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Ph.D., Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma, V.N. Karazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- M.S., School of mechanics and mathematicsV.N. Karazin National University,Kharkiv, Ukraine
Research Interests
- Plasma assisted combustion
- Ignition by plasma discharges
- Turbulent flows
- Ignition systems for engines
Awards & Honors
- Distinguishing badge Honorary Professor of Science, Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science – 2016
- Visiting Scientist, Applied Physics Lab of Princeton University – August-December 2015, July-August 2014
- A badge of honor, Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science – 2013
- Window on Science Program, Air Force Office of Scientific Research – 2011-2014
- Fulbright Grant US Department of State, Princeton University – 2009-2010
Selected Publications
- Tropina A.A., Shneider M.N., Miles R.B. Dual-laser pulse ignition. AIAA Paper 2017- 1972, 55th AIAA SciTech Conference , 9 - 13 January 2017, Grapevine, Texas, USA
- Tropina A.A., Shneider M.N., Miles R.B. Ignition by Short Duration, Nonequilibrium Plasma: Basic Concepts and Applications in Internal Combustion Engines, Combustion Science and technology, vol.188, p.831-852.
- Tropina A.A., Shneider M.N., Miles R.B. Femtosecond laser discharge and small scale turbulence. AIAA Paper 2016- 0461, 54th AIAA SciTech Conference , 4 -8 January 2016, San-Diego, CA, USA.
- Plasma assisted combustion, gasification, and pollution control: volume 2. combustion and gasification, Outskirts Press, 2015, ISBN-10: 1478769203, P. 166-202.
- M.R. Edwards, C. Limbach, R. B. Miles, A. Tropina. Limitations on High-Spatial Resolution Measurements of Turbulence Using Femtosecond Laser Tagging. AIAA Paper 2015- 1219, 53th AIAA SciTech Conference , 5 - 9 January 2015, Kissimmee, FL.
- A.A. Tropina, A.P. Kuzmenko, S.V. Marasov, D.V. Vilchinsky . Ignition system based on the nanosecond pulsed discharge // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. 2014. Vol.42.- Issue 12 P.3881-3885.
- A.A. Tropina, M. Shneider, R. Miles. Turbulent Cascade Process in Arc Driven Plasma Channels//AIAA Paper 2014- 0668, 52th AIAA SciTech Conference , 13-17 January 2014, National Harbor, Maryland.
- A.A. Tropina, M. Shneider, R. Miles. Dynamics of a Laser-Induced Filament Supported and Controlled by a Direct Current Discharge // AIAA paper-2013-0921, 51th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 7-10 January 2013, Grapevine, Texas.
- A.A. Tropina, M.N. Shneider, R.B. Miles. Ignition delay time and laminar flame velocity for a combined laser-microwave ignition// IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. - 2011. - V.39. - P.3263-3268.
- A.A. Tropina, M. Uddi, Y. Ju. Non-equilibrium plasma influence on the minimum ignition energy. Part 1: Discharge model.// IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2011, Vol. 39, P.615-633.