- Department Head, Ocean Engineering
- Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
- Wofford Cain Chair II
- Chief Scientist, ASTRO Center
- Phone: 979-845-1674
- Email: girimaji@tamu.edu
- Office: HEB 216H

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Cornell University - 1990
- M.S., Cornell University - 1986
- B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India - 1983
Awards & Honors
- Texas Engineering Experiment Station Fellow, Texas A&M University – 2010
- Dow Chemical Fellow, Texas A&M University – 2007
- Brockett Professor, Texas A&M University – 2006
- Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Fellow, Texas A&M University – 2006
- Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Special Research Fellow, Texas A&M University – 2001
Selected Publications
- B. M. Riley, J.C. Richard and S. S. Girimaji. Magnetic Field Effects on Axis-Switching and Instabilities in Rectangular Plasma Jets. Flow Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 82 (3) pp.375-390 (2009).
- B. Basara, S. S. Girimaji, S. Jakirlic, F. Aldudak and M. Schrefl. Experiments and calculations relevant to aerodynamic effects during highway passing maneuvers. Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics. Vol. 41, pp 433- 446 (2009)
- K. C. Lee, S. S. Girimaji and J. Kerimo. Effect of compressibility on Z. Xie and S. S. Girimaji. Linear stability of Poiseulle flow at extreme Mach numbers: Linear Analysis and Simulations. Physical Review E 89 (4), 043001 (2014).
- R. Srinivasan and S. S. Girimaji. Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes (PANS) of high-speed mixing environments. Journal of Fluids Engineering DOI. 10.1115/1.4026234. To appear (2014).
- S. S. Girimaji and A. Ibrahim. Advanced Quasi-Steady State Approximation for chemical kinetics. Journal of Fluids Engineering 136 (3), 031201 (2014).
- S. Suman and S. S. Girimaji. Velocity-gradient dynamics in compressible turbulence: Characterization of Pressure-Hessian Tensor. Physics of Fluids, 25 (12), 125103. (2013)
- C. A. Gomez and S. S. Girimaji. Explicit algebraic Reynolds stress model (EARSM) for compressible shear flows. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. To appear (2013).
- C. A. Gomes and S. S. Girimaji. Toward Pressure-strain correlation modeling of compressible shear flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 733, 325-369 (2013).
- D. Reyes, S. S. Girimaji, K. S. Abdol-Hamid and M. Pandya. Computations of High-Lift Wing-Body configuration on Unstructured Grids using k w models. To appear in Journal of Aircraft (2013).
- A. A. Mishra and S. S. Girimaji. Inter-component energy transfer in incompressible homogeneous turbulence: multi-point physics and amenability to one-point closures. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 731, September, pp 639 681 (2013).
- S. S. Girimaji and S. Wallin. Closure modeling in bridging regions of variable-resolution (VR) turbulence computations. Journal of Turbulence, Volume 14, January Issue 1, pages 72-98 (2013).
- G. Kumar and S. S. Girimaji. WENO-enhanced Gas Kinetic Method for highly compressible transition and turbulence simulations. Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Computational Physics 234 (1), pp. 499-523 (2013).