- Associate Adjunct Professor, Aerospace Engineering
- Email: apoludn@tamu.edu

Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of Rochester
- M.A., University of Rochester
Research Interests
- Aerospace propulsion systems
- Chemical and thermonuclear combustion
- Turbulence in reacting and non-reacting flows
- Computational fluid dynamics and high-performance computing
- Space weather, plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics
Awards & Honors
- 2017 Distinguished Paper Award, 36th International Symposium on Combustion
- 2016 François Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics
- 2015 Alan Berman Research Publication Award, US Naval Research Laboratory
Selected Publications
- "The Cross-Scale Physical-Space Transfer of Kinetic Energy in Turbulent Premixed Flames," OBrien, J., Towery, C.A.Z., Hamlington, P.E., Ihme, M., Poludnenko, A.Y., Urzay, J., Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, (2016) in press
- "Spectral Kinetic Energy Transfer in Turbulent Premixed Reacting Flows," Towery, C.A.Z., Poludnenko, A.Y., Urzay, J., O'Brien, J., Ihme, M., Hamlington, P.E., Physical Review E (2016) 93, 053115
- "Pulsating Instability and Self-acceleration of Fast Turbulent Flames," Poludnenko, A.Y., Physics of Fluids (2015) 27, 014106
- "Transverse Waves Resulting from Pulsating Instability of Two-Dimensional Flames," Gamezo, V.N., Poludnenko, A.Y., Oran, E.S., Williams, F.A., Combustion and Flame (2014) 161, 950
- "Intermittency in Premixed Turbulent Reacting Flows," Hamlington, P.E., Poludnenko, A.Y., Oran, E.S., Physics of Fluids (2012) 24, 075111
- "Interactions Between Turbulence and Flames in Premixed Reacting Flows," Hamlington, P.E., Poludnenko, A.Y., Oran, E.S., Physics of Fluids (2011) 23, 125111
- "Spontaneous Transition of Turbulent Flames to Detonations in Unconfined Media," Poludnenko, A.Y., Gardiner, T. A., Oran, E.S., Physical Review Letters (2011) 107, 054501
- " The Interaction of High-Speed Turbulence with Flames: Turbulent Flame Speed," Poludnenko, A.Y., Oran, E.S., Combustion and Flame (2011) 158, 301
- "The Interaction of High-Speed Turbulence with Flames: Global Properties and Internal Flame Structure," Poludnenko, A.Y., Oran, E.S., Combustion and Flame (2010) 157, 995