- Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-1703
- Email: jblegraverend@tamu.edu
- Office: HRBB 509B
- Website: Research website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérothechnique (ENSMA)/Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA), Poitiers/Châtillon, France - 2013
- M. Sc., Mechanical Engineering, ENSMA-Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France - 2009
- Engineering Diploma "M. Sc," Aerospace Engineering, ENSMA, Poitiers, France - 2009
- Classes Préparatoires (Preparatory School) in Physics and Chemistry, Lycée Condorcet, Paris, France - 2006-2009
Research Interests
- Mechanics of materials
- Viscoplasticity
- Constitutive modeling
- Phase field modeling
- Piezoelectric materials
- High temperature materials
- Thermo- and electro-mechanical testing
Awards & Honors
- von Humboldt Research Fellowship – 2018
- Young Investigator Program Award, Air Force Office of Scientific Research – 2017
- United Technologies Research Center Fellowship – 2013-2014
- French Ministry of Defence Scholarship – 2009-2012
Selected Publications
- J.-B. le Graverend, C. S. Wojnar, D. M. Kochmann. <em>Broadband Electromechanical Spectroscopy (BES): Characterizing the dynamic mechanical response of viscoelastic materials under temperature and electric-field control in a vacuum environment. </em>Journal of Materials Science, Volume 50, 2015, Pages 36563685
- J.-B. le Graverend, A. Jacques, J. Cormier, O. Ferry, T. Schenk, J. Mendez. <em>Creep of a nickel-based single crystal superalloy during very high temperature jumps followed by synchrotron X-Ray diffraction.</em> Acta Materialia, Volume 84, 2015, Pages 65-79.
- C. S. Wojnar, J.-B. le Graverend, D. M. Kochmann. <em>Broadband control of the viscoelasticity of ferroelectrics via domain switching.</em> Applied Physics Letters, Volume 105, 2014.
- J.-B. le Graverend, J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, P. Villechaise, S. Kruch, J. Mendez. <em>A microstructure-sensitive constitutive modeling of the inelastic behavior of single crystal nickel-based superalloys at very high temperature.</em> International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 59, 2014, Pages 55-83.
- J.-B. le Graverend, J. Cormier, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez. <em>Highly non-linear creep life induced by a short close ?-solvus overheating and a prior microstructure degradation on a nickel-based single crystal superalloy.</em> Materials & Design, Volume 56, 2014, Pages 990-997.
- J.-B. le Graverend, L. Dirand, A. Jacques, J. Cormier, O. Ferry, T. Schenk, F. Gallerneau, S. Kruch, J. Mendez. <em>In situ measurement of the ?/? lattice mismatch evolution of a nickel-base single-crystal superalloy during non-isothermal very high temperature creep experiments.</em> Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, Volume 43, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 3946-3951.
- J.-B. le Graverend, J. Cormier, S. Kruch, F. Gallerneau, J. Mendez. <em>Microstructural parameters controlling high temperature creep life of the nickel base single crystal superalloy MC2.</em> Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, Volume 43, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 3988-3997.
- J.-B. le Graverend, J. Cormier, P. Caron, S. Kruch, F. Gallerneau, J. Mendez. <em>Numerical simulation of ?/?' microstructural evolutions induced by TCP-phase in the MC2 nickel base single crystal superalloy.</em> Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 528, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 2620-2634.
- J.-B. le Graverend, J. Cormier, M. Jouiad, F. Gallerneau, P. Paulmier, F. Hamon. <em>Effect of fine ?' precipitation on non-isothermal creep and creep-fatigue behavior of nickel base superalloy MC2.</em> Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 527, Issue 20, 2010, Pages 5295-5302.