- Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering
- Email: ifti@tamu.edu
- Office: HRBB 611C
![Hassan Saad Ifti](../_files/_images/_profile-images/AERO-Hassan-Saad-Ifit-22Oct24.jpg)
Educational Background
- D.Phil, Engineering Science (Hypersonics), Universtiy of Oxford - 2022
- M.Sc., Aerospace Engineering, University of Stuttgart - 2016
- B.Sc., Aerospace Engineering, University of Stuttgart - 2014
Research Interests
- Hypersonics
- Transpiration cooling
- Porous media flow
- Particle-laden flows
- Shock/boundary-layer interaction
- Boundary-layer theory
- Boundary-layer transition
Selected Publications
- Ifti, H.S., Hermann, T. & McGilvray, M. (2023), “Analytical Model of Transpired-Coolant Concentration at Downstream Wall in High-Speed Laminar Flow.” AIAA Journal.
- Ifti, H.S., Hermann, T., McGilvray, M. & Merrified, J. (2022), “Numerical Simulation of Transpiration Cooling in a Laminar Hypersonic Boundary Layer.” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets.
- Ifti, H.S., Hermann, T., Ewenz Rocher, M., et. al., (2022), “Laminar Transpiration Cooling Experiments in Hypersonic Flow.” Experiments in Fluids, 63:102.
- Ifti, H.S., Hermann, T., McGilvray, M., et. al., (2022), “Flow Characterisation of Porous Ultra-High-Temperature- Ceramics for Transpiration Cooling.” AIAA Journal.
- Ewenz Rocher, M., Hermann, T., Ifti, H.S., et. al., (2021), “Pressure- sensitive Paint Diagnostic to Measure Species Concentration on Transpiration- Cooled Walls.” Experiments in Fluids.