- Professor, Aerospace Engineering
- Presidential Impact Fellow
- Phone: 979-862-2427
- Email: donzis@tamu.edu
- Office: HRBB 605

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
- M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology
Research Interests
- Large-scale high-performance computing
- Fluid dynamics
- Turbulence
- Turbulent mixing
Selected Publications
- Mach number and wall thermal boundary condition effects on near-wall compressible turbulenceA Baranwal, DA Donzis, RDW Bowersox arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.03265
- Emergence of universal scaling in isotropic turbulenceS Khurshid, DA Donzis, KR Sreenivasan Physical Review E 107 (4), 045102
- Evaluation of finite difference based asynchronous partial differential equations solver for reacting flowsK Kumari, E Cleary, S Desai, DA Donzis, JH Chen, K Aditya Journal of Computational Physics 477, 111906
- Selected-Eddy Simulations (SES): a novel approach for turbulence simulations at extreme scalesD Donzis Bulletin of the American Physical Society
- Regimes of optical propagation through turbulence: theory and direct numerical simulationsK Kumari, DA Donzis Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-35
- Assessment of classical theory of laser propagation through turbulence using well-resolved direct numerical simulationsD Motley, K Kumari, DA Donzis AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 0165
- Turbulent heat flux in supersonic flows for different thermal boundary conditionsA Baranwal, DA Donzis, RD Bowersox AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 0868
- Energy spectra in compressible turbulence: regimes and scalingD Donzis, J Panickacheril John, KR Sreenivasan Bulletin of the American Physical Society
- Mechanisms toward Kolmogorov's isotropyCH Chen, D Donzis Bulletin of the American Physical Society
- Thermal boundary condition and unsteady effects in high-speed turbulent channels.A Baranwal, D Donzis Bulletin of the American Physical Society