• Professor, Aerospace Engineering
  • O'Donnell Foundation Chair V
  • University Distinguished Professor
  • Member, National Academy of Engineering
Richard Miles profile photo

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University- 1972
  • M.S., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University - 1967
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University - 1966

Research Interests

    • The use of microwaves, nanosecond high voltage pulses, surface dielectric barrier discharges, electron beams, MHD devices and lasers in driving and controlling aerodynamic phenomena
    • Stand-off detection of explosives, hazardous gases and greenhouse gases by laser/microwave techniques
    • Flow velocity measurement by laser ionization and molecular tagging
    • Microwave and laser control of flame propagation, ignition and lean combustion operation
    • Development of advanced laser diagnostics for surfaces and for equilibrium and non-equilibrium gases and plasmas

Certifications & Memberships

  • National Academy of Engineering – 2011
  • Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics – 2000
  • Fellow, Optical Society of America – 1998

Awards & Honors

  • 8th Annual Gerard M. Faeth Memorial Lecture, University of Michigan – 2015
  • Plasmadynamics and Lasers Award and Medal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics – 2012
  • Malina Lecture, Texas A&M University – 2011
  • Lasers in Aerospace Lecture, Air Force Office of Scientific Research Laser Fest Celebrating 50 Years of the Laser – 2010
  • Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Award and Medal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics – 2000

Selected Publications

  • Dogariu, A, Goldberg, B, O’Byrne, S, and Miles, R.B. “Species-Independent Femtosecond Localized Electric Field Measurement” Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 024024 – (2017)
  • J. Michael, T.L. Chng, R.B. Miles “Sustained propagation of ultra-lean methane/air flames with pulsed microwave energy deposition”, Combustion and Flame, Volume: 160   Issue: 4   Pages: 796-807    Published: APR 2013
  • J. Michael, M. R. Edwards, A. Dogariu, and R. B. Miles, “Femtosecond laser electronic excitation tagging for quantitative velocity imaging in air,” Appl. Opt. 50, 5158 (2011)
  • Arthur Dogariu, James Michael, Marlan O. Scully, and Richard B. Miles, “High Gain Backward Lasing in Air” Science, 331, p 442-445 (Jan 28, 2011)
  • A. Dogariu and R. B. Miles, “Detecting localized trace species using Radar REMPI,” Appl. Opt. 50, A68 (2011)
  • R. C. Murray, S.H. Zaidi, Mario R. Carraro, Leonid M. Vasilyak, Sergey O. Macheret, Mikhail N. Shneider, and Richard. B. Miles, “Magnetohydrodynamic Power Generation Using Externally Ionized, Cold, Supersonic Air as Working Fluid”, AIAA Journal, 44 (1),: Jan 2006, pp 119-127.
  • R.B. Miles, W. Lempert, and J. Forkey, "Laser Rayleigh Scattering," J. of Measurement Science & Technology, Vol. 12, (MAY 2001) R33-R51 (Published by the Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, England).
  • A. Noullez, G. Wallace, W. Lempert, R.B. Miles, and U. Frisch, "Transverse Velocity Increments in Turbulent Flow Using the RELIEF Technique," J. Fluid Mechanics 339, 1997, pp. 287-307.
  • R.B. Miles, E. Udd and M. Zimmermann, "Quantitative Flow Visualization in Sodium Vapor Seeded Hypersonic Helium," Appl. Phys. Letts. 32, 1978, page 317.
  • R.B. Miles and S.E. Harris, "Optical Third Harmonic Generation in Alkali Metal Vapors," IEEE J. Quant. Electronics QE-9, Spring 1973, page 470.