- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Phone: 979-847-9048
- Email: klbutler@tamu.edu
- Office: WEB 334F
- Website: Research Website
Educational Background
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, Southern University at Baton Rouge – 1985
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin – 1987
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Howard University – 1994
Research Interests
- Computer and Intelligent Systems Application to Power Distribution
- Systems, Distribution Automation and Management, Fault Diagnosis
- Estimation of Remaining Life of Transformers, Intelligent Reconfiguration
- System Modeling and Simulation for Hybrid Vehicles
Selected Publications
- K.L. Butler, "Predictive Maintenance of Distribution Systems using Intelligent Systems," Invited Tutorial at Workshop on AI Techniques Applied to Electrical Distribution Systems,Dec. 18, 1996, Kanpur, India.
- H.J. Do Carmo and K.L. Butler, "Computer Transformer Models for Prediction of Aging and Deterioration, Proceedings of 1996 North American Power Symposium, Nov. 1996, Boston, MA., pp. 101-108.
- K.L. Butler, K.M. Stevens, and M. Ehsani, "A Versatile Computer Simulation Tool for Design and Analysis of Electric and Hybrid Drive Trains," Proceedings of 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers Conference, Feb.1997, Detroit, MI.
- K.L. Butler, J. Momoh, L. Dias, and D. Sobaiic, "An Approach to Power Distribution Fault Diagnosis using Neural Net based Supervised Clustering Methodology," International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, March 1997, pp. 51-57.
- K.L. Butler and H. Do Carmo, "Modeling of Transformers for Determination of Aging and Deterioration," Proceedings of the 1996 Rural Electric Power Conference, April 1996, Fort Worth, Texas.
- G. Garcia, N. Stubbs, and K. Butler, "Relative Performance Evaluation of Pattern Recognition Models for Non-Destructive Damage Detection," Proceedings of 1996 SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, February 26-29, 1996, San Diego, CA.
- K. Butler, "An Expert System Based Framework for Incipient Failure Detection and Predictive Maintenance," Proceedings of 1996 Intelligent System Application to Power Systems Conference, January 1996, pp. 321-326.
- K. Butler, "Intelligent Prediction of Transformer Remaining Life," Invited Presentation to PES Working Group on Intelligent Systems Applications to T & D Problems, 1996 PES Winter Meeting, January 1996.
- N. Stubbs and K. Butler, "A Decision Support System to Predict Casualties in Multi-Hazardous Environments," Proceedings of Natural Hazard Mitigation Grantees Workshop, April, 1995.
- Karen L. Butler. "Neural Networks Application to Power Systems," Invited Tutorial, Presented to Engineers at the National Electric Power Authority, January 1995, Nigeria, Africa.